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Posts posted by Bort.8647

  1. This is awful, i cant even play the game anymore. Animations getting cut, other players teleport on top of me, people rubberband all over the place, players avoid my leap attacks/charges by running in a straight line. My projectiles never even register unless i am less than 600 range away. My ping is always less than 60, and my internet works completely fine in other games so i dont know what the problem is with gw2. Not tolerating this horrible game anymore.

  2. Coming from pvp, I recently tried roaming on core thief, since i like mobile fast paced gameplay and wanted to try solo wvw, but i cant help but feel that core thief is nearly useless when it comes to 1v1s. Warrior auto attacks 3 hit me, so if i miss 1 dodge im dead. I need to chain evades in order to not die to ranger longbown autos. If i get hit once by a condi build i need to reset. Nearly every class seems to have much better sustain and damage. Is thief really in that bad of a place or do i just suck a lot more than i thought?

  3. While might is the main source of damage buffing for some builds like spellbreaker, some classes like rev, soulbeast, power mes have large numbers of other damage modifiers that all stack in addition to might, allowing for some ridiculous burst if you add them all up. Using rev as an example, they get a passive 9% damage from using swords, an extra 0.5% for each stack of vuln on their target, 15% from burst of strength, 10% from phase traversal, 3-13% from having an upkeep skill active, 7% from having fury, and 33% more power from might. Then on top of that they have passive siphon damage, high passive might generation, and high passive vulnerability application.

  4. It has never seemed this bad before, but hit registration, pathing, and skill lag seems to be getting much worse. Some fights it takes nearly a second before i can activate skills, or they are just delayed after pressing their key. Im regularly cced and hit while in weapon/utility skill evade frames, and any kind of movement skill like leaps or charge attacks often take me in a completely different direction than towards my target. Ive never had latency issues in pvp until recently, and i am almost certain it has nothing to do with my end.

  5. I have Sharur and while its one of the best looking hammers, it would be nice to at least get some more visible footprints or something. During the day it is lacking in visual effects. According to gw2efficiency, its the rarest legendary with less than 0.3% of players owning one, while being one of the most expensive. I do agree that it shouldn't become a shiny beacon of particle effects like some other legendaries, but it is lacking visually in some way.

  6. I agree that increasing TTK would be a good change both for smallscale roaming and zerg fights. I think power creep is an important issue that mostly goes unaddressed. It seems like the only increase in defensive ability since launch has come from more boons/evades/blocks/invuln/mobility.

    Because of the power creep, roaming has largely turned into 1 shot battles, where you do your burst combo, and reset if you miss. In my opinion, It is not good design if 1 shot combos are so easy to pull off. I don't necessarily think 1 shots are bad, but using a 1 shot combo should make you vulnerable, or be difficult to pull off. Things like elementalist churning earth -> lightning flash are what 1 shot combos should be. Devastating if they hit, but easy to avoid if you are paying attention, and they leave you in a bad position if you miss.Some examples of ridiculous damage I have recently experienced while roaming:

    • 10k backstab (hit from the front)
    • 12k coalescence of ruin (4s cd)
    • 25k volley (warrior rifle 3) (10s cd)
    • 5k reckless dodge (warrior dodge roll trait)
    • 18k shadow assault (thief spear 5) on a minstrel firebrandIn all these cases, the player was self buffed. I know people will say to just dodge these telegraphed skills, however that is just ignoring the problem of power creep. If most skills do very high damage, you cant avoid them all.

    In zerg fights, I think its a bit more difficult to decide when power creep is a problem. If you stand still and get hit by the other zergs bomb, you should die, no matter how many supports you have. However many fights just turn into who can insta-down more players with rev/necro bombs, and then win the rally war. These kind of fights are not very engaging, and benefit individual players with fast reflexes more than groups with good supports and positioning. The other day I hit a 19k Coalescence of Ruin with my rev, the skill has a 4s cd and hits 5 people.

    I think the only way to solve this is to have some kind of damage/stat scaling in place, such as scaling wvw damage/stats to be closer to pvp values.

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