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Posts posted by Exile.8160

  1. 58 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    What do you mean "you all get"? You get exactly the same content everyone else does. The fact that you mage a  choice to limit yourself to a single gamemode is... well, your choice.

    Pvp has easly way more pressing issues than just "getting something new with expansion".

    Sorry? For wanting something for pvp in the upcoming expansion? (Sarcasm)

    Ty for proving my point tho, we cant ask or speak our minds for anything pvp related without being blame or accuse of something.

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  2. 46 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

    PvP isn't my thing, but I can understand why it is for some and why a lack of PvP stuff in EoD's promo material might be a bummer. You do get new specs with EoD, but a Canthan-themed competitive map could have been interesting for the PvP crowd to chew on. Expansions are kind of a big deal for MMOs, so if your primary game mode gets nothing with an expansion what are you supposed to feel other than disappointment?

    Right now it seems like they're scrambling to the finish line to get EoD out, but if they put things for PvP and WvW on their post-EoD roadmap, I think that'd be good. We know we'll get PvE no matter what, so there's no harm in doing things here and there for other parts of the game as well.

    Thank you,  normally I get hate for even daring to mentioning EoD and Pvp so its nice to see some people understanding our frustration.

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  3. 12 minutes ago, lokh.2695 said:

    Well, I have bad news for you. Not much has been done for PvP in the last years. A new expansion brings new elites that can be played in PvP so there, content for PvP, done.

    So pvp player only deserve elite spec as content? Something you all get by default.

    Then when we complain we are bad or at fault?

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  4. 50 minutes ago, Gobcrack.9320 said:


    Lost Ark will kill any remaining GW2 PvP population lol, you can PvP as early as lv 26 which is 1 - 2 hours of gameplay and on top of that PvP is equalized just like GW2 with way better class selections/balance/updates with more than just a single game mode.

    Oh didnt know that.... looks like the money I wont be wasting on EoD will be put to good use.

    • Confused 1
  5. 8 hours ago, Sylvia.4870 said:

      Nerf everything I don't like? I don't know. It looks like a childish idea from a person who has hatred toward something but has no idea what consequeneces will come after an action is done.

    I guess ROM, helseth amd Teapot are childish too then hahaha

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  6. The ability to stealth forever while dealing great damage and being the undisputed fastes class means theres zero competition in pvp for the thiefs spot in a team. 


    A team in AT (vs a similar killed team ) will almost always lose a match if one has a thief and the other doesnt.


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  7. On 1/8/2022 at 7:15 PM, levelmakerguru.7210 said:

    I don't know how you guys match teams but lately I seem to be on the loosing team all the time, i'm in triple silver and should only be playing triple sivler ppl, but NO,

    i seem to be on teams that only want to loose and not do any effort in winning, clearly anet needs to rethink there matching system over a latte or semething, cuz it ain't

    working regardless of meta builds or youtube builds that don't seem to work to the constant nerfs, "lets slow down the casting of everything but ele" they  get to swap all four fire

    earth, water, air while you limit other classes to not being able to swap weapons, 'THIS IS CLEARLY A ONE SIDED", come on, there really isn't balance in pvp, pretty soon it will

    be sticks and bottles for us to fight with, you want challenge, put the mounts in pvp......

    Tbh gw2 has a good matchmaker, I played pvp since beta and back them  there hardly any issues with it. Matches were mostly close and fun. One of the few good things that anet did to pvp.

    The problem lies in the amount of player that actually play pvp now a days. You can have the best matchmaker in the world and it will still struggle when paired with low population.

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  8. On 1/5/2022 at 2:13 PM, Artyport.2084 said:


    Place down all your traps.



    Doing this leaves you with 11k hp no superspeed and no stealth for what to pull 1 person in? And hope he doesnt have 1 stunbreaker if so he lives?


    I suggest playing the class a bit more. Its not hard to counter specially once you understand it.

    • Like 2
  9. I rather change them into willbender pressesnce and be an aoe that follows the WB for the duration.


    Like have f1 create an intimidatin pressesnce and foes u hit in the 6 to 8 sec timespan that are inside the aoe get torrment or confuaion (instead of boring old burning) and the first hit (only) after pressing fears the target for 1sec.


    For f2 be like a calming pressence for your alies giving vigor reatoration or any of those booms and some heal? Idk.

    • Like 1
  10. 9 hours ago, Ezrael.6859 said:

    5 hits to proc Virtues is still too much.

    The Willbender is meant to be an aggressive roaming, decapper, +1 assassin style spec.

    5 hits to proc Virtues is just too many in any 1v1. F2 and F3 do too little to sustain and they absolutely don't make up for losing the passive Resolve healing ticks or the active healing component like Dragonhunter's 4k burst heal.


    The Virtues only look decent against 5 grouped immobile target golems that don't attack back.

    And if you manage to actually proc them the reward for it is miniscule.


    Edit: it should atleast be, proc on every hit after activating the virture but with a 1 sec ICD so at max you get out 6 to 8 passive procs rewarding you for landing hits.

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  11. 58 minutes ago, Arctarius.2649 said:

    Could we at least see a single animation that looks east martial arts inspired? like flash combo?

    Prob not, most of the animation ive seen from a lot of these new specs are copy paste from another class or skill. Even the Mech from the engi is a re-skin golem with some similar animations.

    So I dont think this far into the beta they will make new animation.

    Its a good way to skip cost/time for the EoD but there has to be a limit.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Poledra Val.1490 said:

    I hope Anet takes what we have been saying on board because its clear the class is bordering on not being used when there are far superior specs and professions in the game currently by a big margin.

    Hard to say if they will work on it the amount it requieres. WB  was on the first beta and got less attention than the ele and ranger one.


    As a pvper and guard main im not buying this expantion until I see that they actually work on the willbender and we get something for pvp in it.

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