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Posts posted by ComeAndGetThem.3152

  1. Here is a pickle for ya:


    I am doing the legendary trinket Vision and I am currently stuck on Visions of Dragonfall, Vision of Equipment: Dragon Champion Armor. I am missing the chest and leggings from the medium armor set so I am 4/6. The problem is I have already done those achievements like 2 years ago when I was doing my dragon mount but I chose a different type of armor (heavy) back then. The recipees I had them deleted, cuz I just don't care or bother to craft anything in this game. So I am stuck cuz I can't redo the achievements, I dont have the required part and I don't have the recipee either. Shouldn't the recipees be buyable from a merchant or something? That would solve things for me I guess.


    Or, you know, just allow us wvwers and pvpers to have a pair of legendary earings via the gamemode we like to play, no?


    Thanks in advance!

  2. Hi,


    in pvp, when enemy specter gets in shroud we still see it's normal health and therefore have no clue on how much life force it got left. So many times i see a specter with 1% health target it, hit it for 2-3k multiple times and still no downed cause it is in shroud.


    Maybe have like double bars like core necro and reaper has? this way we would have an estimate of how much it got left and act accordingly.


    Thanks in advance!

  3. OK I am a little drunk but hear me out:


    When you play your main in pvp and try hard and have rating X and when you try a new class with very little experience and chill Q and still maintain rating X, then whats the point of try harding?


    What does the game reward you with for tryharding? When the answer to this question becomes "nothing" then this game is dead. You stop tryharding and just troll. And so do others.


    No salt btw, just pointing out something that came to mind while queing up at this hour.



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  4. @Clownmug.8357 said:No stealth gets you downed? All the sword/dagger and sword/pistol users I see lately must have godlike skill then.

    Ty for your comment. Proves exactly how little ppl know about thieves and yet they have a pretty strong opinion on how the class should be played. I play many thief builds. I enjoy all. The ones you mentioned, require no stealth whatsoever. But since i use sd or sp in pvp, i like to use something else when roaming in wvw. So i like dp with dash or bound variation. In these builds stealth is mandatory for surviving. Do not assume i stand here to defend perma stealth builds. But from wanting to nurf perma stealth to completely destroying all the builds that actually have some use of stealth are two different things.

  5. @"Hannelore.8153" said:Then you have no idea what Marked is used for. Mesmers and Thieves both have portals, which means that if you don't get Marked and Revealed after an objective is captured, you will just port all of your allies back in and bypass all the walls and gates.

    Its literally a counter to stealth (along with Sniff), because that plagued the game mode for so long.

    And you say it destroys stealth gameplay, but I haven't seen this happen. Instead I've still seen Mesmers and Thieves porting people in when no one searches enough, or in open field where they just destroy the Sentry causing Marked ,etc. It just means you have to actually be creative, hide properly and kill anyone who finds you instead of staying perma-stealth until everyone goes away.

    What you are saying does make sense and i have no argue to not keep it inside towers, keeps and sm but, the sentry reveal is just too much. I know that logic says "just kill the sentry then" but if you say that then you obviously haven't played thief at all. If there is at least one enemy player near the sentry, killing it with no stealth will get you downed state, or in best case scenario it will force you to use most of your utility skills, making it impossible to fight that opponent player after. I 'm not gonna mention cases where there are more than one enemy players near the sentry...

    In regard to towers, keeps and sm i still think it can be constrained withing the structure's walls only. Yesterday i was fighting another thief just outside Wildcreek. He had plenty of access to stealth where i, not only couldn't stealth for more than 2 secs, but i was revealed after that. This resulted to me having to disengage all the way north, the enemy thief didnt follow and the fight was pretty much over. Because of that reveal.

    I can understand that thief gameplay can be annoying to non-thieves players. But keep in mind that this is how the class was designed. Keeping marked strictly withing an objective's walls is fine by me, but if you say it is correct staying like it is now where it has open-field consequences, is just thief hating.

    You have a right to feel frustrated with thief gameplay, but we thieves have a right to play the way our class was built to play.

  6. @Vancho.8750 said:Start of the season is really volatile, usually people that care for rating wait around 2 weeks for the randomness to subside and people have reached their median rating, so you get less silvers in plat that got lucky and less p3 climbing the kitten show. Also the pvp population is not really low it is just in the Gold bracket and there aren't many people playing in higher rate since there playing less games is better. Every game matters there so there is no incentive to play more then 1 or 2 games per day, i think most of the high rated players are in unranked doing meme builds.

    tbh i dont care much about rating. i enjoy spamming games in pvp as long as i feel like i am playing with and against equally skilled players. Top g3, bottom p1 is the sweet spot for me but now it is gonna take me forever to get back up there (imagine i like solo Q and i main power thief since i dont like condi).

    Thx for the fast response anyway!

  7. Hello there,so i was doing my placement matches this season. After i finished all matches i got placed to 1261 (gold 1). Since i was 1513 last season (platinum 1) i was wondering how this placement system works cause it seems a bit broken to me atm. I went into gw2efficiency and saw the exact score i got from each match. Here is what i got:https://ibb.co/ckCTVH3A total of -95 points aggregate. Which is fine. What i do not understand though, is how a 95 point difference places me to g1. The way i think it should be is, "you were 1513 last season, -95 from this season's placements, 1418." But not 1261. I mean how do you decide on what is a player's original ranking if not last season's ranking?With the current population of the game, matchmaking is rather random. What usually makes a difference in a match, is not our personal skill levels, it is not the team composition but rather what matchmaking you will get (how much better or worse your team is compared to the enemy team). Which makes climbing harder than ever before. Climbing from g3 to p1 is one thing but forcing me to climb an entire division before i can start having matches with equally skilled players is a lot in my opinion.Last season i was placed to bottom g3 and it took me 300 games before i could have my first game in p1. So i need to ask, how does the placement system work and why am i placed to g1?Thanks for your time.

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