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Everything posted by Zazzari.8420

  1. They fixed the issue and I able to buy the Gems, was actually quite fast, thanks to them. I do have another question for anyone that can answer. Is there a daily/weekly/etc purchase limit? I want to buy again today, but I am afraid there may be a limit, I experienced this on another game. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
  2. I did send a ticket, but from what I've read, it will take awhile before they answer me. I haven't tried to purchase gems since my first post, but hopefully I can find out why I cannot purchase as of yet. I thank everyone for their replies.
  3. I see, thanks for the reply, 72 hours is 3 days though, I guess it will take longer
  4. I am a new player (playing for about 3 days now) and just bought the expansions. I wanted to purchase Gems in game, but when I tried using my Credit Card, I went through the process and nothing happened, no errors stating there was a problem, no indication that my purchase was a success, nothing. No Gems. Any help? Did I do something incorrectly? or are new players not allowed to access gems? Do you need to be a certain level to purchase gems?
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