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Nonstop Trolling of Tactics in Tier 1


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 LoL Im glad people with 6k-8k posts are constantly posting on topics that have no business posting on....They have such well thought out and meaningful opinions.  You guys should apply to be designers for a video game company.

   If you don't think people switch to troll accounts to pull an EWP and have a ton of people port into a trap where they are instantly killed with 0 chance of escape, you should totally get your resume' ready.

     IF IT CAN BE EXPLOITED IT WILL....It's cheating and it's clear Anet is unable or unwilling to provide any alternatives or fixes.

It's been this way for many years and it says alot.

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One option would be allowing guilds to have a 'black list' of players that cannot activate their tactivators. It would not unilaterally stop this kind of trolling, but it will greatly reduce it. At least on TC, our tactivator and supply trolls are consistently the same people over years. Also allow people with specific ranks within guild (just like slotting tactivators) be able to demolish siege within objectives they own (e.g. they go up to it and either allow another option to demolish, or a toggle skill on the siege).


In other PvP games I've played, typically either the communities have a way to regulate themselves, or the gaming company actively regulates such things. For WvW, we have neither. Anet seems to care very little, if at all, about the WvW community and dealing with griefing, trolling, spying, etc. For many of these things, Anet has also refused to even give comment on whether such things are allowed or not.


So, tl;dr: There's plenty anet could do about the trolling and griefing and spying. They just don't care.

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Possible solutions / mitigations:
* A per-player cooldown on tactivator use... Perhaps half an hour to start with, then tune as needed?  Find a balance between roamers / scouts being able to defend against legit threats and making tactivator use uninteresting to trolls because they're rarely available?
* Allow a reporting mechanism similar to that in PvP when a player is useless / counterproductive... Can be supplemented with a team-chat announcement of the name & guild of whoever pulls the tactivator.
* If tactivator is pulled and no attack occurs within a few minutes before / after, perhaps the person activating it automatically gets "dishonor" analogous to leaving a PvP match early: decreased rewards, booted from WvW for a period, or barred from using tactivators.
* Restrict use of tactivators to when the objective is "under attack"... If no guards have been killed, and no damage has been done to walls / gates, is there any reason to use any tactivator?

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