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LFG | Returning Player | Seeking Community + Social | Raid/Strike/Fractal | Blackgate | NA; GMT-7


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Hi. I played GW2 back in the day, I hopped back on and have been having fun. I'm still have an active World of Warcraft account, but that game's kind of dying. I stick around for my guild right now because it's a wonderful community, a chunk of gold in a dumpster that's been difficult to find.

I'm looking for adult players. The human element of the community is paramount. I'm from the USA and have lived in the south, central USA region, and west coat. I only speak English right now and will generally be active during the evening on the west coast time. I studied music and chemical engineering in school, and ended up going back to school for even more studying because I guess it's just what's made me happy.

I have WoW mythic raiding experience - We got 11/12 at the end of last expansion, 7/10 last tier, and 4/10 right now with several months left in the tier; Only on a 6 hr per week schedule. So I'm looking for people who are laid back but not afraid of content. I can't imagine GW2 PVE is very challenging since what drove me away was how easy it was, and it's why people still cling to WoW imo.

I definitely want to push fractals.

I definitely want to try strikes.

I definitely want to give raids a go, but I'm still raiding in WoW so won't be able to commit to a schedule.

I'd like to do spontaneous WvW, but not routinely.

I'd like to do spontaneous structured PvP, but not routinely.
Story based RPing is not off the table, but not what I'm actively seeking.

I wouldn't mind just achievement hunting with some folks either.


You can contact me via discord. My handle there is Rishnock#6484.


And I guess if you don't have a guild either, hit me up. I have one with population 1, we can start at 2?


Thanks for your time.

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