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Vindicator thoughts


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Let me start out by saying I love GS, it might be a little slow but overall I love the skills the sound effects on GS 4 is lovely and overall it is a solid weapon. I also love the idea of the alliance stance however this is where some of the issues I have also stem from.

I really think F2 should be swapping between those 2 legends without the skills themselves swapping when you cast them, I think overall it makes it unnecesarily difficult to play a pure DPS or support spec and the F2 swap doesnt really fix that too much, the energy cost on it is also too big imo.

My second issue is the dodge, it just doesnt feel very good. I think you can only do so much with dodge in this game and Daredevil and Mirage were the specs where it should have stopped, anything further is just going too far away from the original ability. I love the way dodge is done with Mirage where it actually feels like an addition to dodge, with Vindicator it feels like something completely new but instead of a dodge it should be like an F3 ability or something. It would be great if the traits could change the dodge more drastically so that atleast one of them feels more inline with the original dodge. 

Overall I like Vindicator but it needs some polish, I dont think i formulated my thoughts very well but regardless im glad you read it!

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Yeah agree - love the GS.


To make the vindicator distinctive I actually think you just make only the alliance available, and no other legends. As  you swap the abilities between Luxon and kurzicks, they represent to legends anyways, with the different effects highlighting the different legends. This makes it more in keeping with the whole alliance thing and allows you to work between the two types as needed while keeping a unique flavor.  


The F2 could be like a burst button, where you get both effects at the same time for a sustain/ dps hit. Again going with the whole alliance feel. It may need some tweaking about energy cost or durations or added boons or effects to make it worthwhile for a regular rotation.


Lastly bring back the 2 split dodge bar and make the dodge similar to the Daredevil bound in effect, with damage but also a dodge. The last major tier trait effects could remain the same to give it some flavor to your style or needs per bound. I think this will help retain the flavour with it, but mitigate the clunky feel to it. 

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4 hours ago, helias.3247 said:

Yeah agree - love the GS.


To make the vindicator distinctive I actually think you just make only the alliance available, and no other legends. As  you swap the abilities between Luxon and kurzicks, they represent to legends anyways, with the different effects highlighting the different legends. This makes it more in keeping with the whole alliance thing and allows you to work between the two types as needed while keeping a unique flavor.  


The F2 could be like a burst button, where you get both effects at the same time for a sustain/ dps hit. Again going with the whole alliance feel. It may need some tweaking about energy cost or durations or added boons or effects to make it worthwhile for a regular rotation.


Lastly bring back the 2 split dodge bar and make the dodge similar to the Daredevil bound in effect, with damage but also a dodge. The last major tier trait effects could remain the same to give it some flavor to your style or needs per bound. I think this will help retain the flavour with it, but mitigate the clunky feel to it. 

Honestly wouldn't even mind this, would probably even allow ANet to buff the skills a tad, since they wouldn't have to worry about them overshadowing another legend or throwing balance out of whack when paired with another legend.

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