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Quick switch bewen Specs/Gear


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Hello as the name suggest i am wondering why this mechanic does not exist in gw2?

What i would like to have is a Option to save my spec and the gear asociated to it so if i paly solo i can swap with 1 click or for Fratals 1 click,wvw, and so on

It would be nice to have completly dedicated slots for it so it wont take inventory place but even when not it is also ok to have it in inventory it would make swaing betwen power and condi builds much easier.Atm i simply have 2 times the same clas 1 for that spec 1 for the other but each time unlocking waypoints farming hps and so on is bit frustrating if you do it ovwer and over with the same clas ^^

You can even make it as Gemshop item but then it would be nice to have a "Wardrobe" where you can save the build and have the gear in it asociated to that build!

Maybe it would even be intereting to have them acount wide cause Ascendet is acount bound and not Char bound but htat would be to much to ask i thinkThx

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This was published a day or two ago. It's done via an addon so there is a bit of effort to get it working. Not difficult, though. For those wondering, this build is given the green-light by ArenaNet's Chris Cleary:

About 2-3 months ago I asked /u/deltaconnected to take down his previously created Build Templates addon to ArcDPS. At the time it was in violation of our rules to distribute it and it had key issues with it when it came to functionality and interaction with the game client.This release is the result of a multi-month coordination to get his Build Templates addon into a place where I can green-light it for release. Unlike DPS meters, Build Templates is a much more passive user interface addon and thus it could be individually allowed to release outside of the DPS meter Terms of Service rules restriction. If future developers are interested in working with me to create addons, please reach out to me and we can chat.I'm green-lighting this due to the developer's trustworthiness after months of interaction and willingness to add key restrictions and functionality changes to accommodate my push to keep addons away from becoming a "must have to win" situation (WvW restrictions were not outlined in his post, but they are there along with others).In their current state, /u/DeltaConnected 's Build templates are green-lit and safe to use by users (in terms of violating the Terms of Service). I've asked him to run any functionality changes by me before releasing, so hopefully we don't need to worry about things changing in the future in terms of "safe to use".This is officially unsupported, and ArenaNet will not be able to offer any support for this addon or issues that occur due to use of this addon.


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