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LFG - NA | OCX player (but shift worker) for all content WvW, sPvP, trains, instanced etc.


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I am a veteran player who has been through a few breaks and returns.  My current guild is not active. 


I am a shift worker, so even though I am OCX I can often be on during NA prime.


I don't like using discord, but will use it occasionally when necessary.  Partly because I am married and will be playing on the laptop whilst watching tv with the wife.


I am also keen for alliances once they come.  But I am currently on Anvil Rock and not willing to move until then.  A strong WvW focus would be a plus.


I have no experience with raids and would be interested in training for that.  Otherwise I am pretty much across all other content.  I don't like to spend alot of time on one part of the game or it gets monotonous, although I go through stages where I might only want to do WvW, sPvP, trains or whatever.


Feel free to message in game if your guild is recruiting and you think I am a fit.  

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