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Returning player want to try out mesmer.


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Hello mesmers, im a returning player and the new specs doesnt interest me so much so i go on other direction. classes that iv never tried before and they are Mesmer and Engi, engi i dont like so much becuase of the fantasy  but mesmer really intrests me but seems kinda complicated. do you have any tips or explaining? i do all contents includes raids and pvp


Edited by Tyr.3520
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The short answer is yes, the mesmer is complicated.  To go into depth for PVE: https://snowcrows.com/builds?profession=Mesmer.  There's a lot of builds there, so some notes on a few of them:

Staff Mirage: Easiest to play.  Good team buffer.  Can be used in raids or the overworld.  Hardest part is un-learning the dodge mechanics of other professions.  You'll probably want to bring Sigil of Concentration over Sigil of Bursting for more reliable boons.

Power Chronomancer: immense damage burst.  There's greatsword variants that this website doesn't host anymore for some reason.  The overworld variant uses Illusions instead of Domination to give yourself a lot of might and quickness.  Hardest part about this one is learning the continuum split burst rotation, which will require a lot of practice.  

Power Quickness Chronomancer AKA The STM Chrono::  Basically it is the same as Power Chronomancer, except it uses the trait Seize The Moment.  Personally I have diviner gear for this one.  Diviner has more room for error, can be used for both alacrity and quickness in fractals, and it is capable of supplying quickness to 10 teammates.

Condition Mirage:  Strangely hard to play.  You'll want to avoid this one unless you want a challenge.  Only excels in raids.

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