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Looking for a friendly PVE/X International or Italian Guild that will accept a casual gamer with adult life


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Hello, I'm a long time player of GW2, I play casual  on EU server and I want to tell in advance that my work brings me away for several months at times (I'm a seafarer).

I'm fairly good in the game, I have 5 characters in full ascended (4 with and 150 AR including a HFB), but I play mainly Scourge CDPS in this period.

I do mainly PVE but struggle to find groups for endgame contents in due to my lack of friends and proper guild.

Im' familiar with all Fractals mechs including CM's, even thou I have only 400 UFE at the moment (hoping to increase it).

I'm familiar with all Strike missions but lacking on Raids since the few random training groups I found so far failed.

Hoping to make new friends.


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