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[NA][PvX][WvW] Looking for a guild. Willing to transfer server


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I am looking for a guild that is laid back and does a little bit of all content.  I am in the CST time zone but am a stay at home mom, so I am on at varied times throughout the day.  The main thing that I am looking for is a guild that actively uses coms on Discord and are very socially active.  I am a casual player and love all modes of game play.  If I find a good fit, I am willing to change servers for WvW purposes. If your guild sounds like it may be a good fit, please message me in game or on Discord (Vixie#3692).

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Hi Vixie!  You might be interested in Remnants of Hope.  We have guild-led events for every mode throughout the week, with one or two each night.  We are on Tarnished Coast, which is full, but hopefully that will not matter much longer.  Our six-game community is very large and active all day long on Discord Text, but the one caveat is that voice chat generally does not heat up until weekends and evenings.  Good luck!

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