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unable to log in through client

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The last 2 days I've been unable to log into my main account on my machine. I've put in two tickets to have this resolved to no avail. What's really odd is I can log into my alt accounts with no issue but I first have to close down client window. If I try to log into the same client window as the one that got the error they will show the same error. That been said, when I try to log into on my boy friends computer no issues what so ever. Thou if he tries to log into his account on my machine and the same client as the one that has the error same issue its a no go. Very frustrated.Build: 83515Error Code: 42:1000:7006:1232

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same problem for about a week. Also tried all of the suggestion from the purple error screen. Did submit a ticket, but the suggestions that came back made no sense and did not address the problem, specifically set up a new email account. My home lan system has three computers on two desktop (falcon's) and one laptop (ASUS ROG). They all run on the same network and until a week or so ago ran fine, my desktop going on 1 year, wife's desktop 3 years and laptop 2 years. Now my pc can not play the game but downloads the updates, same with the laptop. My wife's pc does not have any problem playing the game or download the update. And just to be more confusing, the alt game account on the laptop will run on my wife's desktop! Both my pc and laptop will run using a galaxy 7s hotspot (circumventing our network). All three computer running Window 10 version 1703 (my in running Win 10 Pro and the other two Win 10 Home). There is no indications that the setting have been changed, no virus are running amok and everything else seems fine. I even attempted to get mine to run in the SAFE mode but this did not help, same error. I am at a loss as to see anything that would cause this. And since my account will run on my wife's Tiki using the same login and password, I fail to see how changing that would assist in getting my account running on my machine. Also since the Tiki (my wife's) run on our network without any changes, I am reluctant to try to change any router or modem setting to test things out, if it is not broken (from her perspective), don't try to fix it). Besides she gets grumpy if she does not get in a few raids, pips and dailies. :-) Am I missing something here?? And any help would be appreciated, I have just about run out of ideas.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is the fix that took 3 weeks later and it worked for my girlfriend to the above original thread, directly from ANET.

"Here are the instructions I received from Support.

Sometimes connection issues are caused by the way your network is configured. As a temporary troubleshooting step to rule out potential router problems, we would like you to try bypassing your router and connecting directly to your modem instead.

To do this, please perform the following:

  1. Locate and remove the Ethernet cable that is plugged into the back of your router from the modem. This cable may be connected to a port marked as a "WAN" port.
  2. Replace the Ethernet cable currently plugged into your system with the cable you removed from the router.
  3. Confirm that your Internet connection is working properly by visiting a few websites. If you can’t browse to a website, please reboot your modem by unplugging the power cable to it and plugging it back in.
  4. Reboot your computer, and try the game again.

This is not intended as a permanent solution, but will help us pinpoint the cause of the problem you are experiencing.

If this resolves the connectivity issue, the router may need to be configured properly. Assistance with configuring the router can be found at the router manufacturer's support website.

If the issue persists while directly connected to the modem please let us know.

These were the instructions they sent to me. When I got to step 3, I had to reboot the modem to be able to connect to the internet. Just for funs and giggles, I rebooted the router at the same time, even though I wasn't connected to it. I followed the rest of the steps they outlined and I was able to connect to my game. Then I returned our connections the way they need to be, bringing the router back in to the mix. And I was STILL able to log in to my account. Because I had rebooted both the modem and the router I don't know which one may have actually been the problem. And to be honest, I don't care. If it ever happens again, the first thing I will do is reboot both of them."

Hope this helps for those with the above error code.

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