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Political Correctness in Tyria


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@STIHL.2489 said:And lets not forget that Charr and Humans are still fighting *ebonhawke" for example, and there are humans and charr what will attack each other and want to keep up the hostilities.Most of the fighting has died down, except for the Separatists and the Renegades in the area.

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@Tanith.5264 said:I consulted with my female charrior on this matter. She stated it's perfectly acceptable to make armor, cutlery, and furnishings out of those bed-wetting Flame Legion fanatics.;)

You know, that makes perfect sense. They need to have a stamp "100% Flame Legion" or something lol. But then again, I'm pretty sure the charr would probably make fun of you for making armor out of some weaklings or something or another

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