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  1. Run memtest. Some distros have it in GRUB as an option, otherwise, you can download it as a bootable ISO and put on an USB. Google memtest. This reeks of faulty RAM, especially because files are getting corrupted/deleted, the same thing was happening to me. SDDM and KDE was randomly denied permissions to some files as well. I haven't lost any files, but newly downloaded and copied files would get corrupted randomly. Check the health of your SSD if you have one, or nvme, whichever. Remember, let memtest run for at least 4 hours, if not more, depending on how much RAM you have. Memtest also isn't 1000% reliable, mine said all checks passed, but the weird behaviour stopped when i replaced the RAM stick with another.
  2. You can install ProtonupQT and manage GE versions that way. Just apply one to the Steam game from a list, then next time you run Steam it'll be there as an option for every game. As for "not launching today", that's not how it's supposed to go like @Sina.9208 told you. If it runs, it runs, if ti doesn't, it doesn't, there shouldn't be any in-betweeny stuff like this. There's definitely something else going on with that system. Try running memtest overnight on that computer, to see if you get any RAM errors. RAM errors can manifest in the most bizzare ways, and ever since i "experienced" a faulty RAM and what it can do to your system, i'm always cautious of this. Just to illustrate my point - firefox tabs would crash, but not always. That's how it started. Pretty tame, but a lot of other weird stuff started happening as well.
  3. I was gonna suggest to run GE proton, Experimental is, well, experimental. Maybe if you'd run it with GE, it would have worked. In any case, if it works in Bottles, just use that then.
  4. Which proton did you use on Steam? What version? I mean, if you got it to work, just use Bottles then. I just find it weird that it wouldn't work in any other configuration, Steam or Lutris... Lutris, yes, maybe, it's gotten worse lately, but Steam just works. I wonder what the problem is. Ok, drivers are ruled out. The DE is Cinammon. That should be fine. As for X11 vs Wayland, i don't think Cinammon supports Wayland yet, so that's an X11 system. You can usually check if you log out, then under session select, should be noted, but not always. Depending on what Proton version you ran GW2 on, that version could be the issue. Which one did you use? I'm curious. If you managed to make it run in Bottles, then great! Keep using that. Yeah, i'm not sure what went wrong either. Maybe some proton version is behaving badly with GW2?
  5. Then you have a clue to what the problem is. Since every wine/proton you tried runs badly for GW2, the problem must be either with drivers, or something else. What GPU are you using, and what drivers are loaded for it? For instance, are you running NVidia, but using nuoveau driver instead of proprietary? What distro are you using? What desktop environment and what protocol? Wayland or X11? Yes, that matters. For instance, on KDE with X11, i'd get massive frame skipping that looked like 15 FPS. On KDE Wayland, i'd get ok FPS, but other parts of the system didn't work. On Gnome Wayland, games ran buttery smooth, but not on Gnome X11. When i switched to Nvidia, Gnome no longer worked properly, neither did KDE, and i switched to Xfce4 (x11) because both mutter and kwin compositors had issues displaying games.
  6. You're right @Sina.9208, this is way better than just running the Steam client and hogging all the resources! 😉 @Sakiri.4809, install the Steam version, then see how it compares. That way you'll at least rule out possible causes to this behaviour.
  7. Yes, it's way better to not be able to play the game at all rather than waste precious resources. 🙄
  8. Why are people avoiding the Steam version that just works without issues? It's free. Just use your Anet account by adding -provider Portal to steam launch options for the game and you'll have access to all your stuff, characters and expansions. Why are you messing with Bottles and Lutris? Just use Steam.
  9. Yes, but, i told them before that post to try the Steam version because Lutris hasn't worked in a long while, and then they posts this with lutris version on it. Most likely - that's the problem. Also "they" in both "i don't know their gender" and "there were 2 posters so plural they". Idk what if the other person managed to get GW2 working. But Public Display name seems to want to avoid Steam when Steam and its proton is likely the solution. @Public Display Name.7694 Did you try the Steam version? If yes - what proton (also, use -provider Portal)? If not - why not? Also - this specific issue is fixed in proton. Lutris having issues with the launcher. This is literally what i was experiencing on Lutris and why i don't play GW2 through lutris. Use proton. Not lutris wine.
  10. They did say dx9 is not going to be an option anymore eventually. Any reason you can't use DX11?
  11. I miss boonstrip Chrono so much... :( Now necros can boonstrip like crazy, even more than they could before, and it just feels like we weren't allowed to boonstrip because of reasons while others can.
  12. Ahem... Spagetti code â„¢ I assume... For reference - Virtuoso still doesn't have its own symbol on an elite skill targeting thing, so given how eager "the team" is with fixing such things, i'm not sure it'll happen soon. I hope i'm wrong though, I miss the animation too.
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