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Returning Player Looking for Guild


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Hey and thanks for looking. I'll start with i played a bunch when the game first released then stopped and played a bit in 2015 again.


So now me and a friend are both playing again and we just very recently got to 80. I am mostly just looking for a friendly guild to join that is active in EST time. Also I am unsure how much it matters but we are on Anvil Rock


Generally I just have been exploring and working on the Revenant aka I am literally still filling out my Renegade skill tree qnd having fun doing that and working on story stuff.


Thanks again for your time,


My disc is Valdrath#2960



Edited by Rezolve.2865
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Gonna toss our collective hat into the ring here...

Shrieking Quokkas is a smaller guild started by a couple of Aussies though we seem to have more people in the US/Canada timezones.

We have a few people who like to WvW and PvP but we don't have a dedicated WvW team at this stage or one for Raids though they're not off the table simply not organised.
We do run Fractals a couple times a week and soon as everyone gets back from holiday visits and sobers up from New Years we'll pick back up on Guild missions.

We are very happy to help new people or returning players who might be a bit rusty,  and we'll even tag along to lend a hand with something that's giving you trouble. There is a small group who like voice chat which is a great space to toss about ideas  which vary given the different personalities and playstyles you find in a Guild.
We operate on the theory that as an Adult you can decide for yourself what works, there are no heavy requirements to join, no forms to fill out and no interviews unless you count an invite to Discord so you can see what you think of us. We're happy for members to invite to the guild without having to ask 'permission' from an officer and we also don't mind if someone wants to run an event or activity because that just adds to the fun.

Feel free to check out our Discord, come meet us and see if you'd like to add us to your Guild list.

As for why Quokkas if you aren't aware just jump in and ask us and we'll explain 🙂

This Discord Link could self destruct at any time at the whim of Discord. Please message me if it doesn't work https://discord.gg/jwz4SNG4vX

Edited by Lorynn.4032
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