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Inuxi | Semi-hardcore WvW&PvE guild is recruiting! (currently on Seafarer's Rest)


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INUXI. A semi-hardcore WvW and PvE Guild, currently based in Seafarer's Rest is recruiting members to fill our weekly pve- and wvw-raids!


Who this?

Inuxi as a guild is trying to become a household name in the community -- seeing our players should excite fellow GuildWars2 players.
Our goal is to lead 'semi-hardcore' squads and parties to inspire players and our own members to get sh*t done effectively.


Why semi-hardcore?
Because we've spread our interests between WvW and PvE, we believe we will never be as good as a full wvw guild, nor will we be the next snow scrows.

We try our best though, and strive for greatness!


What it's like to be INUXI.

Discord & Ingame!

We have weekly events that are centered around PvE and WvW. But this does not mean you can't find us on other times, and in other content!

Discord is our default means to communicate these events and most channels are accessible to everyone, making the guild's discord a good place to get your friends into our community.


Internal training & External guiding

Not comfortable with hand-kiting Deimos, or unsure how to strip boons from enemy blobs? We help eachother achieve results and have a friendly enviroment to learn and sometimes make mistakes (being SEMI-hardcore and all).
We also provice guidance to whoever we come across and try to guide fellow raiders to succeed. Being INUXI. means helping the community by being an example.


Size DOES matter.

Because we're trying to become a inspiration - we are not a community guild. Our ideal size is between 20 and 30 members.

Being a part of INUXI is like being a part of the family, we prefer to know eachother over being number 24 of 213.




- You are atleast 18 years old

- You represent the guild and respect Inuxi as a 'brand'

- You participate in atleast 2 weekly events, as posted in our Discord


- You have atleast 1 meta character ready with ascended gear, be it a dps or support

- You have atleast 5 Killproof for raid wings 1,2,3 and 4


- You are atleast world rank 50

- You have atleast 1 meta character geared for blob fights, exotics are no problem


Excited? Ready to become a part of a growing, semi-hardcore guild?

Add me ingame or join us on discord (discord.io/inuxi) if you're interested and/or have any questions!

Edited by Waffles.8673
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