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LFG Veteran looking for chill PvE guild


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Been playing this game for like 8 yearsish, looking to  get back into it with the new expansion coming. I'm mostly looking to do PvE content, I've mostly just done strikes and fractals but would like to maybe get into raiding as well. I'm not too serious a gamer when it comes to these so while I generally try to play well I'm probably looking for a more casual setting. I'm also 30 and looking for a more mature group of people. Lastly I'm in Pacific time, but I work night shifts which actually makes me fairly flexible in when I am generally on.

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We may not quite have all the activities you are looking for though we're working on building them up but Shrieking Quokkas certainly has the chill down pat.  Any of our members can invite to the guild, anyone can run an event if they want to, we're not interested in gate keeping anything we just want to hang out and play the game.
We are approaching 80 members and are running Fractals, guild missions and because we have some new players onboard at the moment the odd dungeon.  We'd like to start doing Strikes but timezones have been a bit challenging.
The bonus of us being a relatively small guild is we don't have any long term cliques and so far no overinflated egos.  Anything you want to do just give a shout and people are likely to jump onboard for the fun of it.
Timezones are split between SEA and US times, most of the Discord voice activity seems to be from about 2hrs before daily reset and 7hrs after. We'd like to see voice chat get busier because it's a great space to toss ideas about but it's not mandatory, neither is repping, you're an adult so your choice, though it's nice when people do.

If you think we might kinda work for you feel free to jump into the discord and check us out.  There are no entrance requirements, no forms to fill out, no interview with an officer, no we don't care what class you play and what build works for you (we're interested, we just won't  judge .... if you like us then all good jump on in.

 As for why Quokkas...... well drop into the Discord and we'll tell you.
This Discord link may be permanent or it may self destruct at random intervals, only Discord knows! https://discord.gg/jwz4SNG4vX

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At Remnants of Hope, we are seeing quite a few players in your situation--people who started a while back, did other things for a while, and are getting back in GW2 ahead of the expansion.  It has been a great experience welcoming those players back to the game.  Maybe we are what you are looking for: PvE events six nights a week, with a lot of PvP and WvW thrown in, not to mention a large and active community.  We have a lot of players from every generation; most are over thirty.

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Homeless Owls [howl] is a guild that would love to see you in it! We're a semi-casual, tight-knit, newer group that frequently does content on strikes, world bosses, fractals, dungeons, and raid training. We're dabbling in a little bit of PvP and WvW as well lately. Discord is a requirement, and participation in events when you're available is encouraged, as we're a pretty active group. We're also comprised of 25-35 year-olds, so you'd fit right in!


[howl] Casual-Semi Casual // Discord required // Friendly and growing // Active // PvX, Raids, Strikes, Dungeons, and More // Weekly activities // 18+ // DM for more!

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We have a social/casual guild with end-game opportunities for those that would like them. Fractals are ran weekly and sporadically. Strikes are ran sporadically. We have a guild raid static that runs fridays and saturdays. We also happen to require age 30+ to join, so we'll have that maturity you may be looking for. Also interesting to find another night shift friend in NA 😄 



Tyrs Paladium would like to have you! We are an enforced no drama 30+ adult guild. Casual is king with us, teamwork and enjoyment are a focus point. NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND. We are a mid sized guild, but keep everyone close. Everyone knows everyone in Tyrs!

If you're interested in joining, see below! 

Do some research on us here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/125043/tyrs-paladium-is-hiring-the-30-70-year-olds-guild-na-tyrs

Fill out an application here: https://tyrspaladium.shivtr.com/?site_game_id=136318

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, it's a little awkward to say this, but I feel like I know you. Your name sounds so familiar somehow. Maybe I just have a good memory. Or maybe I'm just delusional. Haha! Well, either way, I think you would fit in really well as an [Mmm] member. I recruit both early birds in the morning and night owls at night.
Here's some info about us: https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/comments/sszjup/napvxsoschillaxcasualnew_player_friendlyintense/?


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