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[NA] LF Guild to call home


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Hey there everyone, I'll try to make this as short as possible. I wouldn't wanna take up too much of your time. 


I'm looking for a guild on NA region. I do have an EU account if it'll help with finding what I want, but I live in NA. But I'm looking for a social, active and late night guild. I work from 4p-12a EST with Fridays and Saturdays off. I haven't done much end game content, but I'd like to learn 🙂 I'm also trying to level a new main for End of Dragons and I've got a lot of adventuring to do. I'd love to find that group of people to do all that adventuring with. Hopefully there's something that matches. If you feel that your guild does you can message me on discord. Scramblini#4329. 


I look forward to talking with you all soon!

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Hi Groove.  You might also want to check out Remnants of Hope, especially if you are really looking for a guild home.  Your title put me in mind of a few recent posts in our thread:



Each day had a new event and I was so excited to see the people doing these events, talking in discord, and the willingness folks provided to help people with each type of content in the game. The leadership actually took the time to reach out and say hello and make me feel accepted in this new group of people. By the end of my trial I felt like I finally found it, I finally found the place to call home. 


And another:


I've always been interested in the house-home metaphor. My rather shallow understanding of the difference is that a house is where you live., but you live---like TRULY live and grow and thrive---when you find a place you can call home. 

I consider Remnants of Hope to be a home.


Weeknight events are scheduled between 8 and 12 PM Eastern, so that might be an issue with your schedule, but Fridays are "grab bag" PvE adventures and WvW reset night, with raids on Saturday nights.  There are also members from around North American and the world, so plenty of players on past midnight Eastern time.

Edited by Skaal.9362
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