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(NA) Looking for PvE Guild w/ some Training


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Hello forum folks,

I'm an east coast intermediate player that's looking for a guild that can help introduce me to Guild Wars 2's PvE end game. I play a power DPS Reaper, but I'm willing to learn Scourge as well. I'm at that point in-game where I've done all the story, explored a vast majority of the open world, completed the 'Seasons of the Dragons' meta achievement, got a Skyscale, and acquired a proper full set of exotic armor, an ascended weapon, and six ascended trinkets. I've reached that point of the game where I'm ready to take one giant leap forward into Fractals, Raids, or Strike Missions to acquire ascended armor and spare equipment for changing specializations. But PUG'ing content seems too obnoxious with the games large barrier to entry, and on top of that I'm relatively new to GW2's organized endgame. However, I am someone who has played World of Warcraft at an Ahead of the Curve level for the past eight years, so difficult PvE content will be easy to read and learn for me.

So, if there's any guilds out there willing to recruit someone like me, please leave some kind of contact information down below or contact me instead. I'm able to follow up in-game around the time of NA server reset if that's okay. Otherwise, another time could be fine as well. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

- Cynnacht

Edited by Oritaku.8175
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Hey, my name’s ArcLeviathan of the Gentle Hearts. It sounds like you’d be a great fit for our guild! We’re a relatively new, casual PvE guild of veteran and new players. We do a lot of fractals of all tiers and the easy 3 strikes almost daily, and we are starting to get into raiding. There is very little pressure, as we’re just there to have fun, and like I said, a lot of us are newer players. The vibe is very casual and relaxed, and we have no class restrictions or anything like that.

We are an NA guild for the most part and located all throughout, and we do have a few Europeans, so we’re active at pretty much all hours. Peak guild activity hours are usually in the evenings, which for me is 6-7 PM CST to 10-11 PM. If this sounds good to you, then feel free to join our Discord server (linked below), and I or another available officer will send you an invite pronto! If not, no worries. The main thing is to have fun, and that’s what we’re all about.



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You might also want to check out Remnants of Hope.  We run every game mode, including fractals and strike missions, once a week.  We have a farm raid for people who are new to raiding, as well as a different raid for people who want to push the envelope.  There are always people online, especially in the evening East Coast time, so you will never have to pug anything again.

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Homeless Owls [howl] is a [NA] guild that would love to see you in it! We're a semi-casual, tight-knit, newer group of on average 25-35 year-olds running on general EST times. We frequently do content on strikes, world bosses, fractals, dungeons, and raid training- while also dabbling a little bit in PvP and WvW on the side as well. We welcome players of any experience. Discord is a requirement, and participation in events when you're available is encouraged, as we're a pretty active group!


[howl] Casual-Semi Casual // Discord required // Friendly and growing // Active // Helpful // PvX, Raids, Strikes, Dungeons, and More // Weekly activities // 18+ //



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Necro is an excellent first class to step into end-game with. If you'd like a casual/social guild with some training opportunities, we may be a good fit for you. We have a couple folks teaching fractals and dungeons weekly. I teach a raid static you can easily apply to join up in every friday and saturday. I also happily teach strikes to anyone new, any time I do them. I also happen to be a very experienced necro main 😉. Our guild does have an age 30+ requirement to join, so please keep that in mind ❤️ 



Tyrs Paladium would like to have you! We are an enforced no drama 30+ adult guild. Casual is king with us, teamwork and enjoyment are a focus point. NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND. We are a mid sized guild, but keep everyone close. Everyone knows everyone in Tyrs!

If you're interested in joining, see below! 

Do some research on us here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/125043/tyrs-paladium-is-hiring-the-30-70-year-olds-guild-na-tyrs

Fill out an application here: https://tyrspaladium.shivtr.com/?site_game_id=136318

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Cynnacht. We'd love to have you in our guild. PUGs are quite obnoxious because they don't want to spend all that time teaching people. So it's understandable they just want to get things done as quickly as possible.
I do most of the trainings myself. But my workload has been a bit crazy lately. So I'm starting to recruit again, both new/vet players.
Here's some more info about us if you'd like to take a look.


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