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Looking to expand my game ♡(´▽`)♡


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Hi. Please call me Maya. I live in Japan. I’ve been playing for about 7-8 months. All my gear, weapons and accessories are Ascended and I’m currently almost finished with Aurora. I’m looking for a medium-sized guild to help me expand more into dungeons, fractals, raids and stuff. ░▒▓█<(^-^)>█▓▒░

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Hey, Maya!


If you’re interested, my guild, the Gentle Hearts, are always looking for more members. We’ve got a solid base of active players, both new and veteran. We’re very active in the endgame content, running dungeons, fractals, strikes, and we’ve started poking into raids. We’re a newer guild, but we’re all excited about the game and ready to have fun. The vibe is very casual, as having fun is the top priority. Judging from your gear, you’d be able to do everything, from dungeons to raids with us. We’re a NA server guild, but we’ve got members all over the world, so we’re basically active at all hours. 

If this at all sounds interesting to you, feel free to hop into our Discord server: https://discord.gg/DMBJy8Cx


No pressure and no worries either way!

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Hi Maya. I run a Japanese/English bilingual guild. We have many members who live in Japan (myself included) and many others who live in UTC+7 - UTC+12 time zones. We run T1\T2 fractals every Wednesday at 9pm JST and other members often create impromptu T4/CM runs as well, not to mention "old school" dungeon runs. We also host raid trainings most Sundays. We have a very active discord, and you are free to advertise and host your own events there or ask for help. 

If this sounds like something you're interested feel free to contact me on Discord. Discord ID is Sankyu#3301

We are on NA by the way.

Edited by firedragon.8953
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