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[NA] LF Guild, casual player needing a chill group


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Hey there, I'll start off first with a little about myself then with what I'm looking for in a Guild.


I've been a off and on player for about 6yrs. Kept it super casual and mostly focused on story, map completion/metas, some WvW. I used to have a friend I played with but they no longer play. I have several characters I bounce between (Warrior & Revenant being my main 2). I know I'm not the best player when it comes to the game, and I'll be honest a bit lost when it comes to some combat stuff (proper builds/rotations). I do play with a controller for combat (through steam) so I know that hampers me some but I physically can't do KB/M for action games.

With all that said here is what I am looking for
- Someplace that doesn't expect perfection in performance and understands my limitations (I'm not looking to raid anyway).
- Safe place to ask questions regarding things I don't know.
- Chat being focused more in game. I only listen in VC when I absolutely need to (like events). I don't join social chats and prefer text chat.
- Just some cool people to enjoy the new expansion with when it comes out.

- Bonus would be being able to do some WvW but not a requirement (on Sorrow's Furnace).


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I feel pretty much the same! Sorry to say I don't have a guild you can join but if you ever want someone to play with, let me know! Just recently started playing again and am enjoying taking the game at my own pace and am looking for like minded people. 

Hope we're both about to find a suitable guild. Good luck, hope to see you in-game :D

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Consider Remnants of Hope as a possibility. Looking at your goals:

(1) We are a play-your-way guild with no expectations around build or performance.  We welcome and accommodate players with physical limitations.

(2) We have players of every skill level interested in talking about the game .  We run fractals, for example, at every tier and run a farm raid as well as legendary achievement raid.  We welcome new players into WvW and post WvW Words of the Day to help people learn the jargon and quirks of the game mode.

(3) Chat is everywhere.  As one Division in a six-game community, there are people posting in Discord constantly. VC is not required (we have some deaf and hard-of-hearing players in the community), although helpful for some game modes.

(4) Cool people--check.  Expansion--can't wait!

(5) We are a Tarnished Coast guild.  TC is full, but is linked with medium-population (500 gems to transfer) Eredon Terrace, so you would have to transfer to Eredon Terrace if you want to WvW with us.  Someday World Restructuring will make servers irrelevant, but who knows when that will happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[PLZ] NA aims to provide a relaxed environment for raiders trying to learn new encounters while having fun! Currently, we are looking for newer raid players, with good class knowledge, who can fill our training raid nights/second static, Raids are schedule on weekday evenings 15-30 mins after reset. These are groups that are focused on wing progressions and helping out players tackling new roles, mechanics, or classes that they want to improve on! Our main static has cleared all content in Wings 1-7, including all CM modes. Our main static is currently full, but we are always looking for new players to act as fill raiders. We have helpful commanders and experienced players that are good resources for anything in-game related as well so ask away! We also PUG raids frequently in the mornings and get as many guildies as we can to run with us for fun, helping out players who needs their kills for the week or completing achievements/collections. _ Requirements: Must have Discord as we announce important occasions and schedules there. A good attitude and be able to handle constructive criticism so we can help each other improve. We aim for fun and good vibes even on the roughest nights but of course we still want to get those kills in the end! If you have any questions about the guild or interested in joining please reach out on discord Gator#4096 or mail me in-game Gator.1295

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