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[OCX] LFG WvW Guild - returning player


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Hi there,

I've returned to the game after nearly 1.5 years off. I'm looking for a competent, fight focused WvW guild that runs in OCX time.

I used to drive back when i played and enjoy build crafting, team play and challenge.

I can bring most classes to the squad to a competitive standard and am willing to learn and gear classes as required.

I main mes, guardi and am decent at necro, rev, scrapper, tempest and passable as spellbreaker. I can swap as needed.

I can do a couple nights during the week but only 1 dedicated reset day on the weekend. My ping also suffers in 50v50s.

Please drop me a line in game if you think i could be a good fit for your guild and would like to have a chat.

Ign: Flozzen


Edited by Floz.8904
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