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Minor lore question re: Old Piken Ruins renown heart in Iron Marches (minor spoilers for that heart)


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Sorry if this has been discussed, but after an intense search, I can't seem to find it.  It's probably just a minor thing, and not super important to the story, but it's been bugging me every time I've done the heart:

When you're doing the renown quest to help Magister Razermane match the old weapons to the correct owners' tombs, there's one tomb (close to where she stands) that says something like "the inscription looks deliberately rubbed off."  And when you try to interact with it further, Magister Razermane says "There's no need to investigate this one.  I'll take it from here."

It seems like an unusually careful detail to me- like it's indicating this tomb has some sort of significance to her or something.  And why is the name rubbed off- did she do it, or was it someone else?And why?  On the GW2 wiki, it says that this tomb belongs to Viggo, an NPC from GW1, and that his ghost sometimes wanders the area as an enemy during an event, but I can't seem to find anything about his life in particular that would warrant his name being rubbed off of the tomb by other humans he knew, or who came after him.  And if Razermane has a personal grudge against him, then why him, in particular, when there are so many other human ghosts around?


It's certainly possible that I'm 100% overthinking this, but it's been bugging me for years, and I'm just wondering if anyone knows more about it.  Thanks!



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It's tied to the event chain that happens there. I'd link the wiki's articles for the events, but the wiki seems to be down for maintenance atm.

The TL;DR of it is that the last land weapon type for all the graves - warhorn - is of some significance and the Priory knows this; the Flame Legion lead an assault to obtain the warhorn, and use it to command the Foefire ghosts (somehow, I'm not sure it's explained how the warhorn controls them, just that it does, which it's a bit odd given that the Foefire ghosts are not exactly sane with only a small few exceptions and see all living beings as threatening charr) and use the ghosts to assault the Iron Legion/Priory. All this is detailed in the events' dialogue, more or less.

I think the name being rubbed off is just a detail of erosion to give the event chain a bit more weight and mystery, and has no in-universe significance.

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