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End of Dragons Bug: Game loses connection to server during cutscene on beach in Cantha

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There were no FPS drops or any indicators of issues, the games just loses connection to server after character in cutscene strokes his goatee.

Is this his ultimate technique? 🤔

It's happened several times now and other players are having the same issue.

Could be due to not having downloaded all file from the update, so I will wait until they are downloaded and try again.

Any help would be appreciated.


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I'm having this issue and so is someone else I know. I have tried this mission 5 times and only managed to get past the cutscene once (now trying to complete the story with a different character).

Its really, really frustrating to get to the end of the mission only to be disconnected and have to repeat the same thing over again.

This has actually happened on more than one mission in EoD...surely they are looking into this?

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I have same issue here...


Can't progress past this story.  When my charachter wake up on the beach the game just disconnect from server.. Any idea how can we go through this and play with the game what we paid for????

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 6 months later...
4 hours ago, Gurtus.5364 said:

its stil here, jumps the ships three times with no luck

While I have no experience with this bug myself, I have heard of this issue commonly with story missions.  It's often caused by router settings to drop connections when there is no activity for some amount of time, and I guess story missions are mostly done locally, without contacting the server. 

A common 'fix' is to do something else in the background that keeps your internet connection moving, such as playing a muted 10 hour youtube video.

Edited by Krug.9138
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Have the same issue with the PoF Balthazar killing you and come back from the dead scene, did it 6 times now and drops me just as i come back and have to do the hole thing over, really KILLS the game experience!!!!!  Tryed everything, same thing happens if you try to watch the cut scenes in main story, so i just skip them, but some of them you cant skip and STILLL this issue. hate to say it, i love this game but this is a deal breaker!!!!!

FIX it already!!!!!

Edited by WayneR.1627
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Just got EoD and I have this problem  No it's not router settings as I did the clear cache and open ports things already as had this problem constantly. It's the ONLY game I have this problem with and if, after another couple of tries it's still giving me a problem, I'll be demanding money back and not recommending this game any more of pl4aying it anymore. Which will be a shame as I've been playing it since around beta and I have enjoyed it.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

First time poster, sorry its about a bug

I have had this happen to me in a few different story missions, i cant recall them all but same exact thing in every situation, the cutscene finishes and the game cannot (or does not know what file to load next and so logs you out, back to the start of the story

Baltazar killing me in PoF (as other have had)

Arriving at EoD (as others have had) (My second toon just did this 7 times i stopped counting, i got logged out at least 2-4 more times after the 7)

Killing the Dogs in Draconis Mons ~ this was the worst for me, because i have arthritic hands/wrists, it took me a lot of goes just to glide and bomb and gather the energy, just to get TO the dog fight, took me nearly an hour, by the time i got to dog fight that fight itself took me near anther hour because one dog would always wake up before i could gather the energy to make them stay down, i finally did it, screamed with JOY, then got logged out just after the cutscene only to login to find myself where i had been 2 hours before - i still have not completed Draconis Mons because of this


As for "keep a YT video running in the background" nice suggestion, but it doesnt work, i am ALWAYS streaming either a YT documentary or a movie/tv show on my second monitor

Why they cant (or wont) implement a token credit where as soon as the video starts it checks off your story as complete, then shows you the cutscene, then loads you into the next zone, i just dont know

I havent really coded anything since the Neverwinter nights included a world builder thing, but i do know game codes use integers to toggle thigns On/Off or set them to True/False, and this MUST already happen AFTER the cutscene runs, literally ALL they need to do is make it get toggled/changed BEFORE they run the cutscene, then if you lose connection, you can log back in already in the new zone, worst case you missed the cutscene and have to go to YT to watch it


If i can work out a fix, and know little to nothing aobut coding, i really dont understand why they cant/wont, i can only assume they think we are not worth it, or that we are like something they have stepped in to be wiped off their shoe


ArenaNet? Why do you hate us so much that you wont fix a few simple yet completely frustrating bugs?

April 24th 2022 or 2023? It is now October 2nd 2023

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  • 11 months later...
  • Administrators
28 minutes ago, hyperspeedee.8349 said:

I keep losing connection on the first EoD mission..4 times its happened now 😞 

Hey there! I'm sorry to hear you're having this issue. If you could please submit a ticket to our support team they will be able to look into this issue for you. You can reach them here: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

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