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Gen 3 Legendary Crafting Guide(WIP)

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Saw the full list in the Wiki now. And people seem to have crafted some new legendaries already. Is the price drop in mystic coins because the new legendaries do not require coins? This might stabilize because there still will be players that go for the older legendaries (for skins). + the supply might change if less players try to farm anomaly - for example - if the price drops. (Dropped a lot already.)

Maybe those stuff you can only get 4-5 a week is intended to make the new legendaries expensive? Though the prices dropped a bit as well here. Looking forward to see how this balances. New players that only buy EoD (ArenaNet mainly advertises latest content though a lot might want to still go for older stuff cause of Skyscale) might be selling those for money - since the price is still high (between 15 and 20g I think when I checked yesterday) - that is a lot of gold for a new player that still needs to buy a ton of basic stuff not even thinking about legendaries.

So for now I think this seems fine. Esppecially since the other stuff (fishing item and the lamplighters badge) can be traded - to avoid grind.

I think now it mainly comes to how the prices of the weekly stuff balance compared to the drop of mystic coin price - then comparing the overall prices between the legendary generations again. Whether adjustments from ArenaNet are needed or not.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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