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HELP : Beginner friendly PvP build to learn the basics

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Hello everyone, 


So I started playing PvP since last December season, with a condi Longbow / sword+shield warrior build that I found on a YouTube video about beginner friendly builds. 


It was going great! I was progressively learning the basics, how to place on the map, use cc and counter it, choose my fights, well the basics I guess. 

Most importantly, I was having fun, and I found the ranked matches very interesting as I had something like a 1/2 rate of wins, so I felt like I was always playing with players of the same level as me. 


But since last week and the release of EOD, it completely changed. Right now I feel like I am made of foam, spending all my time under cc (or even in the air thanks to the new Necro spec...) and not able to do anything of value for the team before getting to the ground. And most importantly, I don't feel I am progressing anymore, as I don't have enough time to learn anything from the game I am playing. 

Which means at the end, I can't feel the fun anymore... 


So, anyone has good advice on a build (don't care about the profession, role or anything, as anyway I will have to learn from scratch again) and a way of playing it that would put me back in my slow progression curve while getting some fun again? 


Btw I am not complaining at all about the new specs or updates, a game has to evolve, I am just looking for a way to adapt to it with my low level of skills! 


Thanks in advance for your advices! 



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31 minutes ago, Yoshitsune.8537 said:

So, anyone has good advice on a build (don't care about the profession, role or anything, as anyway I will have to learn from scratch again) and a way of playing it that would put me back in my slow progression curve while getting some fun again? 


I think defining which role you want to focus on should be the first thing you do imo. It will help your other decisions a lot. Every position except maybe roaming has fairly straightforward new player friendly build. Can base that decision on the kind of builds or playstyle you enjoy in other games, for example if you like Jungling in League you might like Roaming here, if top laning was more your thing then maybe look at Duelist builds. Etc.


The four roles are Duelist, DPS, Roamer and Support (nothing really "official", just what the community somewhat agrees on as far as game structure for SPvP is concerned).

If you enjoy dueling a lot and want to pressure and hold a point on your own, starting on Warrior could be a good idea. If you want to stand on the middle node and support your team, maybe look at Core Guardian, if you'd rather be on the same point but pressure the enemy and land kills, maybe look at Reaper (Necro Elite spec) or Dragon Hunter (Guardian Elite spec).


If you really want to learn Roaming, Longbow Soulbeast (Ranger Elite spec) is probably your best bet, its not really a Meta build at higher ranks but it does it well at lower ones. Right now in higher ranks roaming is almost exclusively done on Daredevil, Power Herald and (less often nowadays) Mirage Mesmer, all fairly technical builds to learn the game on and as they don't have much passive defense or sustain and rely on active gameplay to survive.



Edited by Ashgar.3024
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38 minutes ago, Yoshitsune.8537 said:

But since last week and the release of EOD, it completely changed. Right now I feel like I am made of foam, spending all my time under cc (or even in the air thanks to the new Necro spec...) and not able to do anything of value for the team before getting to the ground. And most importantly, I don't feel I am progressing anymore, as I don't have enough time to learn anything from the game I am playing. 

Which means at the end, I can't feel the fun anymore... 


To address that, yeah new expansion releases are messy and some things release overtuned. Harbinger is one of those alongside Vincdicator to a lesser degree.  They will smooth things out with patches over time.


In the meantime, not much choice but to learn how to adapt to them, their Shroud 5 (what keeps you in the air) is a stun so bringing abilities that break you out of them and/or provide Stability is a must.

Edited by Ashgar.3024
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