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Turtle and Guardian Related Bugs

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Just a few bugs I wanted to post that I noticed, not sure if others have already as I searched but couldn't find the ones I'm experiencing.


Turtle Bugs:

1. Sometimes when hitting the jump button continuously on the turtle (sometimes messing around, and while preparing to use the slam attack) it will boot me off the turtle thinking I'm using the Glider.

2. When using the slam attack near max height after getting the mastery to extend the blaster height, the turtle will once in a while get stuck in the slam animation mid-air and bug out/kick me off the turtle. No clue why it does this.

3. Please make the speed boost optional on the turtle, as many times it went off I lost control of the turtle and in one case nearly fell off part of a cliff during the Dragon's End escort event. Might seem like a minor thing, but I think the turtle is already insanely OP and doesn't need the speed booster at all.


Guardian Bug:

1. Whirling Wrath sometimes bugs out and will half-play the animation but will deal no damage and stop. This often occurs if I dismount and try to use the attack, or just randomly does it. This bug has been around for quite a while, and not sure if it has been addressed by others yet. If it has then I apologize for posting again about it.


Thank you! Has anyone else experienced these issues?

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