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Every Single Thing - the ultimate Guild Wars 2 completionist website

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For the longest time I wanted a Guild Wars 2 website to help me track collectible items like skins, miniatures and novelties that I can collect from a specific map and I couldn't find any so I made one!

It's called Every Single Thing and it's a website that helps you track skin, miniature and novelty completion map by map. So you choose a map and you will immediately see what items you collected from that map as well as those yet to be collected. It's very simple. The only thing you're going to need is an API key and you're good to go.

I'm also planning to add tracking for titles, achievements, recipes, all map % completion in /maps, adding /core_tyria for all core tyrian items, split skins by weapons/armor/backpacks

If you have any suggestions or issues be sure to let me know!

You can check it out here: https://gw2est.com/

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This tool is AMAZING, thank you for making it!

It's also super dangerous because now I know about skins from the HoT metas that I had no clue existed before haha 😅 So RIP all my gold.

I'll definitely be using this a bunch! I saw your post about possibly adding a Core Tyria section, on the Reddit and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with it going forward, this is so useful! 😄

Edited by Gwylen.3462
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