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[NA] Looking for a Semi-Hardcore, End-Game PvE Guild


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I am looking for a guild that has groups doing t4 fractals, and/or Strikes, and/or Raids every single day. Not looking for hardcore, toxic-elitists, or anything like that. Just looking for an environment full of ACTIVE players who happen to be pretty good at the game but are chill about it.


I have experience in all fractals and raids.


I have the following geared in 150+ Agony Resistance:



-Staff Mirage

-Axe Mirage

-Condi Scourge

-Power Soulbeast

-Harrier Heal Alac Mech

-Minstril HealBrand

-Celestial HealBrand

-Power Banners Berserker

-Power AlacRen


All of the above can obviously be brought to raids/strikes. I also have the following geared and ready for raids/strikes: 


-Boon Chrono

-Heal Scourge

-Quick Harbinger

-Power Weaver

-Condi Tempest

-Condi Soulbeast

-Power DD

-Condi DD

-Condi Mech

-Condi Willbender

-Harrier HealBrand


So I can basically fill any roll at any time in any content. 


If you have any questions, just let me know. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well, if you guys are still looking for a casual-hardcore chill guild to do stuff with. the small guild we have is trying to do t4s and raids. feel free to send me a mail, and ask me any questions. I can extend an invitation. 

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