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Caudecus manner, can teleport through the ceiling.

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In CM it is possible for both the player and enemy mobs to teleport through the floor/ceiling using infiltrators shot, shadow step etc.  I was attempting to blink past the mobs with infiltrators shot to skip trash while soloing the dungeon on path one in the basement. I instead appeared in the entryway to the mansion and had 4 enemies suddenly appear from the sky and land next to me.  The same ones I was trying to skip.

While I realize this is mostly dead content and nobody seems to give a crap about the old dungeons, I post this in hopes they will get some tlc at some point. 


Issues at play here:

AI mobs should not be capable of teleporting or chasing all the way back to the beginning of the dungeon area. They should leash in instances like this. 

The ceiling isnt properly sealed allowing players to teleport through it which seems undesirable at best and exploitable at worst.

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I haven't had the issue of the mobs teleporting through, but they do have a massive agro range and will chase you all the way back up to the stairs into the mansion 😂 I have always used stealth for the basement so never had an issue myself with any shadow steps / portal etc on my thief, but I will only do the basement in stealth if no one in the party wants extra loot - so I generally start it off before we have all gathered so they aren't waiting for the door to open to the barn. 
Yes you can teleport up to the higher floors (I use it for the pillow room) and teleport up from the floor below. I also use it to teleport into the barn on the 2nd floor (when I hold the cut scene for others to place themselves before the mobs spawn)
I still enjoy the dungeon and it has been that way since I can remember - just like merging all paths in AC. Anet know about it - won't fix it and the only way it will be an issue for the player is if they try to 'sell' the paths. I still enjoy doing all the old dungeons if I stealth certain parts or just kill everything. 

Maybe just be more weary of where you are landing your shadow steps?

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