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Ranger greatsword skill 3 swoop not working properly. please take a look


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I have been having this issue for more than a year now.

My GS skill 3 (swoop) only moves forward somewhere around 400-600 range (swoop should move players 1000 range forward with a leap and a jump, however it only gives me the initial leap, the following up jump never works.. because the jump only moves you 50-100 range forward at most...)

It is supposed to be a skill that has 100 range further than thief's SB skill 5 infiltrator's arrow (900 range)However my swoop is only half of its (infiltrator's arrow) range when I compared it with my thief friend.Only a little bit further than guardian gs skill 3.

I am not quite sure if it is just me or it is a game wide problem.

Anyway I hope this gets fixed soon!!!

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I just tried like a few hundred more times..I think my description is a little bit wrong there

my problem is the swoop only gives leap, the following up jumping distance is completely gone (but not the finishing jump action)so its always leap then jump at the same spot where my leap ends.so only 450-600 range from the leap. 450 range when not running/ stand steal 600 range when running then use swoop

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@nicknamenick.2437 said:Do you have autontarget on? I used to have problems with rush doing weired stuff when auto target is on.. somehow its trying to find target while there is none.. so just maby thats what interrupting the skill?

no I don't have auto target :/ maybe its just me?

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I did distance comparisons with guardian gs 3, thief sb 5, and other rangers gs3

the results for me aresame distance as guardian gs3 600rangean obvious shorter distance in compare with thief sb5slightly shorter than other rangers gs3
(did the compare with 3 rangers none of them hitting 1k range. 1 had similar range (but still slightly shorter) to thief sb5 which is 900 range.the other 2 just a tiny bit further than my 600 range swoop)

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However when I run downward from hills and spam space bar to jump up with swoop together it travels 1k range like its supposed to.But there is 1second of stuck in the air in between leap and jump/swing forward.

the stuck in the air is not caused by lag.cos it only happens when I run down and spam jump up+ swoop together.on flat ground jump up + swoop wont get me stuck in the air

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