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Help with Camera settings while I fly

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Do you know if there is a way to adjust automatically the camera so I can look down when I'm diving riding my griffon?I'm using a laptop without a mouse so I'm using basically keyboard and touchpad for playing.Actually when I'm diving my visual remains fixed as I was flying straight so Ive no way to see where I'm going.
In the griffon races is particularly important that my camera is adjusting automatically otherwise I'm losing precious seconds.Thanks in advance for the help !

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Turning Action camera Might help. If you turn it on, you won't have to hold any button and your Camera will simply look the way you will move it to. Which is possible with Touchepad. You can set it to some free Keybind, so you don't have to have it turned on everytime.Other than than, I don't know if there are any options.

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