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So I ventured in to Tangled Depths today.....Briefly...

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Zone in, begin my usual ride around like a maniac locating any way points, and camps of stragglers (aka "points of interest") I can find on the trail.


Wait, where'd the trail go? I guess it's like Doc Hudson said, "If you're going hard enough left, you'll find yourself turning right." I though Auric Basin was bad, this place is more convoluted than reading Das Kapital in Pig Latin. I'm standing on top of the POI, why is it beneath me and there's not a cave in sight? What's with all the Scorpion hybrids lobbing acid at me like beads at Mardi Gras? 


You know what, I'm gonna move on and do the End of Dragons story. Should be simple enough. (SPOILERS BELOW)


Ok, we're hunting Pirates who have a {McGuffin}. Just so I'm clear - you want me, a Charr, thousands of feet up, to jump platform to platform, to find the lead ship? I guess it's ok, "Aurene" says she'll catch me if I fall. Wait, who's Aurene? A Dragon? Ohhh, she must've come out of that egg I stuck in the basement of that eternally ransacked city of ethereal people. (Note to self - send them a 'Thank You' card) Aurene is on our side? That's a nice change. 


Fight my way onto the ship where I have a brief convo with a Trotsky-eque Pirate. Dude, the only wealth distribution you're doing is from other people to yourself. You're a pirate - own it.


Get the {McGuffin}, I think, only we crash, and I may be concussed. I wake up and find I'm sharing a cell with the Asuran Whitey Bulger. (Flashback to Battle for Azeroth. That should've been a portent of events to come) After a minute or so of incarceration, I'm let out by Detective Friday, and find that the gang's all here. Only Aurene took a hit from the {McGuffin}, so I guess I didn't get the thing, and according to Team Tyria, she ain't doing so well. 


Find my way to Seitung Province (Big Mists of Pandaria (only without the Pandas vibe), and Aurene tells me there's another Dragon, Soo Won, who is here. What? In the room? Tami points out that this "Jade Tech" is all the rage in Cantha. Mastery Points are dropping out of the sky like February snow in Winnepeg. There's a lot going on, but first things first, we need to heal Aurene, and all signs point to New Kainang City. 


Show up on the docks, meet some locals, go through a labyrinthian, bureaucratic process of filling out paperwork so we can move about freely. What exactly are our crimes? Are these Walmart Jade Golems running around going to ask to see "my papers"? Whatever. Turns out one half of the wonder twin sisters is a notional "Ambassador" and has arranged for us to meet with the Queen. Better stow the Raptor, last time he was near royalty (Queen Jennah) he left a not-so-pleasant gift on the floor.  (Yes, technically it was a guard outside her throne room. Potato Pohtatoh)


Thank Rytlock we had an escort to the palace, because NKC is so poorly laid out I have to wonder if the city planner moonlighted as a cartographer in Maguuma. Walls upon walls, with the districts self-contained to the point of near quarantine. It's as if the city is one big caste system, and you don't have to tell me where our hotel is. (Hint: NE). 


Stand idly by as the major players air their dirty laundry, with at least one basically insinuating we're the cause of all evil in the world (How would you know? You've admitted to closing yourself off for the past 100 years). We move past the posturing and finally get to meet the "inventor" of all this Jade Tech. She wants to give us a tour of her facility which is convenient since Aurene says that's where Soo Won's energy signature is emanating from. 


Along the way I help this poor Tengu deliver barrels of WD-40 to the broken Jade something or another generators- located on roofs.


Hold up. First off, as I come to find out, Raptors aren't even endemic to your part of the world. So somebody had the foresight to start a Raptor breeding program knowing full well this Jade tech was just around the corner? Second, who puts important machinery on a roof? In hard to get places? 


I don't want to tell anyone their job, but since you seem married to the idea of having critical infrastructure where the birds have easier access, have you ever thought of turning one of your annoying Jade Golems into a forklift?  Or maybe use a Zip Line? No? Ok, lets move on.


So we get the grand tour. Here's where the "inventor" Mrs. Yu Joon drops the bomb. Apparently all this Jade Tech is because of Soo Won who is channeling ley line energy, acting as a Draconic battery. 


Wait - what?


Are you telling me that 20 years ago, Soo Won approached you because all her offspring became corrupted (and then cough dead cough), and you blindly accepted? Isn't there a Canthan proverb "Beware Dragons bearing gifts"?


To paraphrase Ian Malcom "You were so obsessed with whether or not you could, you didn't stop to think if you should". 


Conveniently enough, this is when the Pirate we were chasing shows up with the {McGuffin} and hacking skills that make Anonymous look like an Amish person trying to program the remote. (Good grief Yu Joon, update your anti-virus once in awhile). The place goes kerplooie, Soo Won breaks free and we get to watch as the new Pirate Captain kills the old Pirate Captain in cold blood.


Wait - what?


You're in the middle of an underwater facility that is coming apart at the seams, you've achieved your goal, and now you waste the old Captain simply because she wouldn't let you wear the hat?


Let's just move on.


We make it back to NKC where. of course, we get blamed. Random_Person has a device for me that will "disguise my face". Thanks. But I've come across a few Canthan's (Seriously empty city except for anti-government groups that also dislike us. For reasons. Umm, according to your government, I'm a wanted criminal, so why the antipathy?), and I can't remember one with a tail. Also, see these claws? They aren't made for eating noodles I can tell ya that. Minor details? Like how is the power still running? (Must be battery backup)


Ok, let's move on.


So we hightail it out of the city guided by the Queen's advisor, and joined by the same detective who I met while I was behind bars with the Asuran Whitey Bulger (and who has a thing for the Sociopathic new Pirate Captain), all the way to the ruins of Arborstone. Only instead of a welcome wagon, we get hit with "Void" creatures. The same Void that Soo Won is apparently battling with (and losing to), and wait - Void? I've seen this before. Smazeroth, Tazeroth, Azeroth?


Clean house with the {Not-so-big Bad} a flying creature that looks like a mini-(evil) Dragon. A-nother one? Granted, this one is smaller, and while I'm pondering that development, the Queen's advisor ALSO reveals herself to be a mini-(good) Dragon. 


There's a ton of exposition that encapsulates the events to this point (and exonerates us to any sane individual), and when all is said and done, Detective Friday says he doesn't know if we'll be cleared. 


Wait - what?


You just heard the queen's advisor tell you what happened. You're a police officer (of some sorts), does the phrase "circumstantial evidence" ring a bell? We have no reason to injure or even free Soo Won, and, ah  you know what, I'm gonna ride around the woods for a while on my Raptor and clear my head.


Only that's an exercise in futility because every crossroads is populated with anti-me snipers and wait a minute. Do you guys just sit around all day waiting for people to ride through so you can shoot at them? What do you do when you get bored? Ping at the local wildlife? No wonder the predator / prey ratio is so out of whack.


I know my vote doesn't count, but when the time comes, and Soo Won is dealt with, I suggest we let Canthan's be Canthans and excommunicate the whole continent. And you know who will be happiest about that? 

The Canthans.


Now, they're going to need something to do once their whole civilization is blockaded, so I suggest we gather up all the dynamite in Tyria, politely evacuate NKC, and level the entire place. There. The Canthan's have a purpose in life above and beyond whatever masquerades as their "culture" right now.  Don't worry about the dynamite.


I know a guy.

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