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Elite Specializations for new and returning players.

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I'm returning player. I quit GW2 long before HoT and any elite spec. So this is kind off my first hand experience.


For new/retrning players unlocking elite specializations is annoying, disheartening and just not fun. You ask "Hey, what should i pick for OW and story?" and hear "Oh Celestial Mirage is kitten best!" or "Condi Weaver Smash!!!". You never, ever would hear "just run core Rev bro, it will destroy everything". This is because elite specializations are straight up upgrades. You cant be better power necro than power reaper. 


Thos players dont have any of that. They have core class fully unlocked, MAYBE unlocked first point into some elite spec (you know, that one which gives you gimmick and weapon), maybe one or two traits and thats it. This is not to say that core classes are non viable but they are straight up weaker.


Unlocking those specializations require hero points, 250 to be exact. And most dont work properly until fully unlocked. Daredevil got 3 viable builds, Firebrand at the very least 3, etc. But they require full unlock. So 250 points can be either done by full map completion (the lvl up points are exactly as much as you need to unlock all traits and skills for core class) or do expansion. For veterans, who had time to farm skill points, WvW resources this is not a big deal and most propably fully unlocked EoD elite specs before ever starting expansion.


But new and returning players (ESPECIALLY new) dont have this. They did not farm skill points. They did not run WvW constantly (which require 80 lvl to be even fun and "on par" with everyone). They can either run full map completion of core Tyria or start expansion. Which is exactly annoying, disheartening and just not fun.  Joining hero point train is also kind off non option, they dont have gryphon, skyscale or even raptor (there is a reason why the first advice is to go to HoT, do intro [which spoiler story in unfun way] and get raptor ASAP), they would lag behind. Even IF they would find people willing to wait for them that train would spoil zones, stories, events, etc. Not everyone wants that. 


The difficulty scale dramatically from core to expansion, even the "easy one" HoT. 


So i suggest this: 

- When you ding lvl 80 (and finish core story?) you just fully unlock one elite spec. Of your choice. You get every trait, every skill. Maybe move cosmetic gear for when you finish story of expansion where that elite spec was introduced. Perhaps unlocking all hero points in that expansion would be a good idea (they should not give skill points if you unlocked elite spec that way). 


This way new/returning players could start playing with the sense, they are not hindered, they play "full" class and not some inferior version. Sure, they wont have all the option and playstyles. Playing Power Scourge may still not be a good idea. But it would be a start to journey into expansions as a "kitted out" class. 

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As another returning player I completely concur that seeing how the core professions are so abysmally worse than the elite specs is very frustrating. Also, going in search of resources, info, builds, videos, etc. and seeing 99% of stuff just assuming you've already completed the whole game (all e-specs, access to all modifiers and full ascended gear) is even worse, and I'm sure a big hurdle to cross for new players.

That said, I don't really like your proposed solution, as I want the feeling of satisfaction when I get to an expansion I haven't played yet and go over its hero challenges, dying and trying again, etc.

My counter proposal would be:

  • Buff the core specs just a little, just enough that they aren't considered completely trash and ignored by most of the veteran players.
  • Change some (about 15?) of the hero challenges (the most challenging, but soloable ones) in core Tyria to give 10 points like the ones in the expansions.

That way you give something "powerful enough" to play to newer players, and a way to get elite specs if you want to progress the story in order without having to jump around expansions joining trains and breaking immersion.

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27 minutes ago, Makr Alland.5089 said:

My counter proposal would be:

  • Buff the core specs just a little, just enough that they aren't considered completely trash and ignored by most of the veteran players.
  • Change some (about 15?) of the hero challenges (the most challenging, but soloable ones) in core Tyria to give 10 points like the ones in the expansions.

Buffing core specs would be also good, but they would need to be on par with elite specs - maybe unlock some "buff" when you have no elite spec equipped? Or equip 3 core trait lines? It would give more build diversity, even for veteran players. 

I dont think they would do that, they want people to buy expansions and heavily invest into new specs. Thats why they obliterated some specs before EoD hit.


The second point i dont like. New/returning players would then be forced to play "old" content instead of trying the new, shiny one. But that's my opinion, it would also help with the issue. 

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Core is usually my go-to for playing Warrior. The only time I opted to play an elite specialization on Warrior in the last months was for the second half of EoD's story. But that's not due to the damage output, but because Arenanet designed EoD to be far easier to play with condition builds than with power builds (and condition Berserker is the only decent way to play conditions as Warrior).

I also occasionally play core Guardian instead of the specializations.

That said, I'm against automatically unlocking elite specializations. Even in their reduced state, core professions are fine for Central Tyria. There are roughly 200 hero points to be gained in Central Tyria (and a few in World vs World), so you are almost done with one elite specialization after completing Central Tyria. And since you already have at least one trait in each column, equipping the specialization is no detriment at that point.

I wouldn't say no to Arenanet bringing all core professions up to Guardian's core performance though (not that Arenanet would ever do such an improvement to the game).

Edited by Fueki.4753
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