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[NA] LF Casual/Semi Casual PVE Guild.

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Played when game released up through HoT, and then just came back ~6months ago.

Looking for a more casual and social guild that still does the old dungeons and lower tier fractals. I'm not really looking to speed run everything, especially as I'm just getting back into doing group content. I don't mind whether their are scheduled days for dungeons/fractals/events/etc or it's more on the fly.


Would love a more personable guild where you can get to know the other members/chat/etc. 


Lastly, I'm not looking for a WvW or SPvP guild. I do play a lot of WvW, however, I would like a guild more focused on PVE.


If there are any guilds out there fitting what I'm looking for please let me know. Don't really mind if it's a new guild or an already established one.



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Hi @Sentrasia.7428Remnants of Hope might be what you are looking for.  We are a PvX guild that plays all guild modes.

More specifically, we have one fractal night per week where we group up and then sort out by Agony Resistance.  We always have some people without much AR, so run Tier 1 fractals as well as the higher tiers.  Our new PvE officer has just started (as in, last night) a new event Path to Dungeon Master which involves running every dungeon path.

We also play WvW on Tarnished Coast (Kaineng is current link), but of course that depends on what server you are on now.

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Hey @Sentrasia.7428! I will second @Skaal.9362 in Remnants of Hope. I was recently appointed the PvE Officer of the guild and we'd be happy to help you make a home with us! 


22 minutes ago, Skaal.9362 said:

More specifically, we have one fractal night per week where we group up and then sort out by Agony Resistance.  We always have some people without much AR, so run Tier 1 fractals as well as the higher tiers.  Our new PvE officer has just started (as in, last night) a new event Path to Dungeon Master which involves running every dungeon path.


We are working on hitting every part of PvE in the department and work to make everyone of every play level able to join in (some stuff will require a level 80, of course). On top of the mentioned above; we run guild missions, an intro to mapping (or just an excuse to map with guildies), and will be running achievement groups for the open world in my department. We also have a raid/strike department if you were ever interested in getting into those. Our discord is very active and there's always someone on to talk to or answer questions if you have any! Please check out Skaal's link and feel free to message me in game if you have any questions!

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