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What EU server should i chose?


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Hi everyone, i wanted an help choosing a server to transfer in. Normally i play more during the week and less or nothing during weekend, always starting between 8 or 9 PM. I go for roaming most of the time, i like to join or create some smallscale groups (between 5 and 10 people) but sometimes i join zergs too. In those 5 months i returned playing, all of this Is Just impossibile, almost no commanders, few people to play with and a large ammount of enemy destroying my kitten.

So, what's the EU server that came colser to my necessities?

Ty to everyone who will reply

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37 minutes ago, Gigozzo.6579 said:

I'm on Gandara

Well, my friend, you'd only be staying for the community but since you play outside the only times we have good participation (even after the strike is over) I think you're right in asking for advice. You are likely to be in a tight spot most days.


I roam evrry night with some americans from 1 hour before reset to 1 hour after reset plus other times if I feel like it or I need pips to get to diamond. But yeah most of our server participation comes from raids and tag play at the weekend, so...

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I would recommend learning French and joining them. Any French server or link have small ppt groups all day long to join. Gandara only make sense atm if you join prime time open tags and raid with one of Gandaran guilds two times a week for 4 h total.

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