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New player needs advice! :)


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Hey everyone!I recently came back to the game after a few years and lots has changed.My issue (or whatever to call it) would be choosing a profession to play. I've tried them all and I just can't for the life of me decide. So I thought it was time for me to reach out to the community and hear what you have to say about it.

I'm more of a PvP/WvW player but I do delve into PvE once in a while.I suppose I'm looking for a mobile profession, don't want to move around like a turtle haha.I like damage (who doesn't? haha). Would love to be able to burst while still have some sort of sustain in both offense and defense.Melee or Ranged doesn't really matter too much to me.

I do understand I won't be able to get a profession that "has it all" and that it's up to builds etc, but I'd love to hear about what you guys think about my list and if you'd be able to help me decide!

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Well, the possibilities are quite few1)Thief: Very High Mobility, High Single target Damage, No Sustain2)Warrior: High Mobility (only with GS). Very High Damage, Very High Sustain3)Power Mesmer: Medium Mobility (can be good with Blink), Very High Burst Damage to Single target (eg: only Power Mesmer), Low Sustain

Ultimately, after the Patch a 4th optionRevenant: Medium to High Mobility (With Heralds Swiftness and Shiro ports =High), High Damage, Medium Sustain

Both Reve and Warrior can split their damage between more foes, unlike Thief and Mesmer's exclusively Single target dmg.

Note that except Warrior, those 3 Professions are very very very hard to play and master.Warrior is the easiest way and probably the strongest...

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@Alatar.7364 said:Well, the possibilities are quite few1)Thief: Very High Mobility, High Single target Damage, No Sustain2)Warrior: High Mobility (only with GS). Very High Damage, Very High Sustain3)Power Mesmer: Medium Mobility (can be good with Blink), Very High Burst Damage to Single target (eg: only Power Mesmer), Low Sustain

Ultimately, after the Patch a 4th optionRevenant: Medium to High Mobility (With Heralds Swiftness and Shiro ports =High), High Damage, Medium Sustain

Both Reve and Warrior can split their damage between more foes, unlike Thief and Mesmer's exclusively Single target dmg.

Note that except Warrior, those 3 Professions are very very very hard to play and master.Warrior is the easiest way and probably the strongest...

Hey! Yea I've heard warrior seems to be quikte "OP" as of now, which doesn't really speak to me at all. Don't really want to be a "fotm" profession.I don't mind the profession being difficult to play since I really really want to put time and effort into the game once I get rolling.I've tried Theif quite a bit and I do like one aspect of the profession but the "hit and run" playstyle of them is quite dull imo.Mesmer is a profession I think is pretty cool. But as you say it's a difficult profession to play and because of that it's also quite difficult to just try it out. I do however feel like this profession is pretty high up my list.I think the profession I've played the most is my Guardian, which currently is DH. It's moderately fun with nice visuals etc and they seem to be pretty good in most situations. I do feel like they are lacking in the difficulty area, as well in the mobility.

When it comes to Mesmer and trying it out. Is there anything you recommend I should be doing?

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@Zpac.9015 said:

@Alatar.7364 said:Well, the possibilities are quite few1)Thief: Very High Mobility, High Single target Damage, No Sustain2)Warrior: High Mobility (only with GS). Very High Damage, Very High Sustain3)Power Mesmer: Medium Mobility (can be good with Blink), Very High Burst Damage to Single target (eg: only
Mesmer), Low Sustain

Ultimately, after the Patch a 4th optionRevenant: Medium to High Mobility (With Heralds Swiftness and Shiro ports =High), High Damage, Medium Sustain

Both Reve and Warrior can split their damage between more foes, unlike Thief and Mesmer's exclusively Single target dmg.

Note that except Warrior, those 3 Professions are very very very hard to play and master.Warrior is the easiest way and probably the strongest...

Hey! Yea I've heard warrior seems to be quikte "OP" as of now, which doesn't really speak to me at all. Don't really want to be a "fotm" profession.I don't mind the profession being difficult to play since I really really want to put time and effort into the game once I get rolling.I've tried Theif quite a bit and I do like one aspect of the profession but the "hit and run" playstyle of them is quite dull imo.Mesmer is a profession I think is pretty cool. But as you say it's a difficult profession to play and because of that it's also quite difficult to just try it out. I do however feel like this profession is pretty high up my list.I think the profession I've played the most is my Guardian, which currently is DH. It's moderately fun with nice visuals etc and they seem to be pretty good in most situations. I do feel like they are lacking in the difficulty area, as well in the mobility.

When it comes to Mesmer and trying it out. Is there anything you recommend I should be doing?

I tryed Power Mesmer myself only few times and most I know is from Observing others. There are hower two or three main Burst Combos, I suggest you ask some Experienced Mesmers about them as I would be of no use in this case.

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