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Core Rev invocation legend idea.


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"I make my own ledged!" female charr PC voice.

"they will tell my story for ages!" male norn PC voice

"I have been called to my Wyld Hunt!" female Sylvari PC voice.

Invocation legend would have an icon that matches your characters portrait. And would have themes that match the invocation line, designed to synergize with each other legend.

"Pact Command" call out and have ghostly pact healers appear from the mists to heal you - 10 energy- heal for 2500 with ammo 2. Gain a boon based on your other legend. Shiro-quickness, mallyx-resistance, jallis-retaliation, ventari-regen, renegade-swiftness, herald-protection.

"Vigil's Honor": call forward a line of charging vigil soldiers. -30 energy- Width 600 length 300 (mace 2 turned sideways) slides forward to range 400 (similar to mesmer shield) , cripple, on initial contact. damage like warrior's axe 5 across the area of the line.

"Whispers in the Dark": Order of Whispers assassins shadowstep out of the mists around you and inflict your attackers with conditions -15 energy- range 300 self targeted AoE, blind and chill 3 stacks of 15 sec poison. Hits up to 5 targets

"Priory's Wisdom": priory scholars channel an ancient Dwarven artifact to protect you, creating a shield of ley energy in front of you, blocking attacks and destroying projectiles. -no energy cost, 20 sec CD- block attacks for 2 sec, destroy projectiles that hit your shield. For each projectile destroyed gain barrier 500.

"Pact Assault" an ancient battle rages, pack soldiers swarm out of the mists all around you, summoning allies to inflict conditions on enemies, boons on allies, and cleanse injured allies, then disappearing back into the mists - channeled 5 pips- -radius 800 centered on self. Pact soldiers appear from portals that spawn randomly around the area. 3 portals on first pluse. Each portal lasts three seconds. Then 1 portal per 2.5 seconds after that while channeling. Portals spawn pact soldiers based on the closest target 1 per second.If the closest target to a portal is enemy- summon pack warrior. (like a mesmer sword phantasm) inflicts a strike dealing chill.

If the closest target is an ally above 50% health, summon pact wizard who casts random boons on allies.

If the closest target is an ally inflicted with conditions, summon pact healer to cleanse 1 condition.

The idea here is to fill out some of Rev's missing utility skills. Allow for a new core Rev legend that fits inside existing themes. All without breaking the revenant flavor. And like how every other legend before it is flavored based on the life of the legend. And in the personal story, pact soldiers abound. And so summoning them as ghostly mist-shadows, parts of your own legendary story manifest to help you again, seems most fitting.

Dunno if I just made something cool, or a balance nightmare but I like it. XD

and suggestions to make this feel better? What do you guys think?

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