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Reverted about 30 minutes of time today

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Was logged out while in Seitung Province today at about 9:30 PM server time. Upon logging back in my character lost about 30 minutes of time/effort. I had completed the Daily EOD achievement in that time that was reverted including the Seitung Province taskmaster (fishing in East End), harvesting of the Seitung Prison farm, and some other tasks.  First time I have ever seen significant rollback in character status.

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It also appears to have been a selective rollback.  For example, I had the fishing lure I acquired on my first cast fishing near the east end of Seitung, but did not have the other fish I caught or the Mixed Bait Pouch and Writs I purchased after completing the heart (as well as partial heart progress showing when relogging), but the entire Seitung Prison harvest was reset which was done before the fishing heart.  Looks like karma was lost from purchases as well.

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