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NA - Hold On Let Me Grab A [BEER] | HOD WvW Havoc Squad | Recruiting!


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Greetings! Thanks for taking the time to check us out!

Hold On Let Me Grab A [BEER] is a WvW Focused Havoc/Smallscale Guild that runs Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday @ 8:30pm EST (Eastern Standard Time). We are currently on Henge of Denravi server (NA SERVERS). We roam most nights with Mon/Tues/Wed being our GROUP COMP nights. We may be small, but we pack quite a punch. We focus on fights, pulling enemy zergs off our locations, causing chaos and overall anxiety to our enemy. We play this game to have fun but, we do take fighting the enemy pretty serious.

No political talk here. No religious talk. No world news or local news talk. We keep this guild drama free. We feel these topics cause too much drama in life. This is a game we escape life too, not bring life's worries here.

As far as recruitment. We accept any and all. If you're willing to try your best, stay focused, have fun, and follow our limited rules. Try us out. We are willing to teach and train.


  • Discord (no mic needed)
  • 1 Raid Requirement a Week
  • 100% Rep During Set WvW Raids
  • No Drama
  • No Politics, Religion, News talk.

Guild Summary

  • Havoc Focused
  • Group Comp
  • WvW Set Raids | Mon/Tues/Wed @ 8:30pm EST
  • Guild Missions / Event Night | Mondays


  • Anyone Welcome
  • Willing to Teach / Train
  • Staying focused is key

You can find me in game: Discomfort.5987

Edited by Discomfort.5987
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