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LFG [NA] [TC] [RP] [PvE]


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I'm looking for a new RP and PvE guild. It doesn't have to be all in one it can be strictly RP or PvE. Small to Medium sized would be best. I've been around Guild Wars 2 for about 3 years, but there's a lot I still want to do and learn. I want a PvE guild to make new friends and possibly help some newer players. I want an RP guild because I love to RP and like to RP when I have time and make more friends. I'm online almost everyday at various times usually the evening is consistent. If your guild sounds like a place for me reply here or Message me ingame. Arashi.1928 or Hinata Anami.

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Hey Arashi,The Charter Vanguard has once a week role play that we do over Discord, and then record it into the forum. I guess someone could consider us light RPers, let me know if that's enough for you and you might be interested to join. Aside from RP we have twice a week missions, bounty train and 4x a week raids. We're considered medium sized, having over 200+ members, but I think we're pretty tight knit nonetheless.

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