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[NA][EST][PvX] Returning Player LF diverse, friendly guild


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Hi, I'm Red! 🙂 I enjoy WvWvW (Sanctum of Rall) and PvE content, so looking for a guild that is active in those, as well as a welcoming and inclusive guild with all types of people- good range of age, gender, race, sexuality, etc. While I don't mind super large guilds, ideally I am looking for a medium sized one- where I can reasonably get to know or recognize most of the active members either via Discord or guild chat.


I started playing GW2 during the first beta weekend and have taken a couple of breaks over the years. I have experience leading an active guild of around 200 members for several years, and am good at recruitment, new player support, and organizing/leading community events. In terms of PvE, I don't have as much experience with high level fractals as I would like, and no raid experience, but I do learn fast. 🙂 I find time to log in briefly most days for my daily and a couple of world bosses, but am unable to commit to large blocks of play time on week nights due to other commitments (probably 1 night a week); Saturday and Sunday are my primary gaming time. I am happy to rep and chip in on guild upgrades/materials/etc for the guild I call home, and I am a consistent/reliable person even if not as active as I once was.


I'll be perusing guild threads as well, but feel free to drop me a line if you think your guild is a great fit, and I'll check it out!

Edited by RedJustice.1548
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Hey Red!


[CAKE] is looking for players like you. We are a diverse and inclusive guild where we welcome all and where discrimination and elitism is not tolerated by any means. We are looking for people who are interested in doing end-game content such as high-level fractals, challenge mode strikes, and raids. Our mission is to see that everyone in the guild can achieve their goals and to succeed as a community together.


[CAKE] was founded and is ran by a group of returned veterans of Guild Wars 2 and Guild Wars 1. Most of us have been playing GW2 since closed beta and have completed Guild Wars 1 entirely (GWAMM and 50/50 Hall of Monuments). A lot of us have been playing on and off, and after coming back to the game we're looking to build a small community where we can hang out with folks and call them close friends. We do end-game content and sPvP/WvW daily, and we are in the process of scheduling blocks of time for raiding. Right now we are looking for people who are also interested in becoming Officers in our guild to work alongside our Leaders. Officers are an inspirational role who teach and lead groups, but don't have the same responsibilities as Leaders; they don't have to oversee the guild's structure and operations. I believe you'd be a great fit as one of our Officers, if you'd like.


You can contact me in-game under danni.1824 or you can add me on discord Rvynn#6533

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for taking the time to read my post. 🙂

Have a great day!



Here's our official forum post!

Edited by danni.1824
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