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[NA][PVX] CAKE is looking for you!


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About Us
[CAKE] is lead by a group of returned veterans who have been playing GW2 off and on since closed beta, and who have completed Guild Wars 1. The core leadership have known each other for 15+ years. We do all content, and are looking for more people to do end-game content (strikes and raids) and sPvP/WvW (tournaments and commander squads). Our events and schedules are posted on our discord. We are very helpful, respectful and friendly; LGBTQ+ and accessibility acceptance, we do not discriminate or judge and new players are encouraged to join us! We love answering questions and helping guildies with tasks, story missions, collections, or even builds and templates. If we don't know the answer to something right away, we will find it out together. We want to be the pillar of your success in GW2, but also your companions. To forge a long lasting friendship. You can read more about our code of conduct and faq on our website.
What are we looking for?
We are looking for new and veteran players alike. We run group content (fractals, strikes, and raids) around 8pm EST (see our events page here). Regardless of your experience in the game you are welcomed and encouraged to join in on the events! We are looking for people interested in raiding as well; experience does not matter, we're willing to teach you! We are also looking for players interested in seeing a guild grow to a set capacity; we will house no more than 100 players to keep our small community size. We will also be hosting party events in the future with giveaways.
What is asked of me?
All we ask of you is to be kind to one another. Be polite and respectful. No reason not to be! If conflict arises, please try to sort it out in a civilized manner as adults. If you feel that you cannot speak with the person you're in conflict with, then leadership would be happy to mediate the situation.
Get in Contact
In-game: You can message myself; danni.1824 or my Co-GM Saintlol.6542
We look forward to hearing from you, we'd be happy to have you with us!
Have your [CAKE] and eat it too!
Edited by danni.1824
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