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The Plum Blossom [ SECT ] NA/SEA


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Hi we are The Plum Blossom [ SECT ]

PvX Guild looking to add new friends to play with.
Static Raid Training Soon and Fractals CM
Meta Events.

We are a newly Founded Guild and we would love to play with New / Veteran Player

that enjoys all the Content we have on Guild Wars 2 , we are a small group of people as of now

But Hopefully we can have more members 🙂


We mostly do Raid at Friday Afternoon SEA time /  (Saturday / Sunday Anytime during Weekends )

World Server " Ehmry Bay" 


You can Message us In game if You have any Question 

Jhaze.1832 / NoobCakeShop.3495

Edited by Jhaze.1832
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