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Spellbreaker: Area of denial in Break Enchantment.


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Hi, it's me again. I've been thinking about how to empower the role of the Spellbreaker in wvw so its doesn't feel that bad playing with it  and i have another idea. 

  • We know the idea about a baseline effect to the spellbreaker traitline for which when an spellbreaker removes a boon the target or targets gets a short debuff (a couple of seconds at most) during which the target cannot get the same boon reapplied. It can be shown as the same boon icon but with a purple background. I think most liked the idea. Great potential with Winds of disenchantment and such and giving the warrior an nice spot as De-booner .   
  • Now what about Area of Denial. In a short radius around the spellbreaker all enemies AoEs are cancelled.
    • For example: Utility skill Break Enchantment is reworked. All enemy AoEs within a short radius of the spellbreaker (360) are negated. This could only work in WvW/PvP as i don't think it is feasible to implement in existing PvE content. CDs can be readjusted to be longer so the skill is balanced. 

I do think with those 2 changes Spellbreaker would get a definitive spot (and not just one) in WvW organized squads. Now spellbreaker would be perfect to break the bomb phase of the enemy zerg by negating the AoEs and also ripping the boons on the melee charges. 

An spellbreaker break enchantment could be used to deny the bomb phase or to cancel the enemy bubbles leaving the zerg open to projectile attacks.  Pefect to balance current bubble-boon meta. 

Edited by anduriell.6280
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