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  1. What the spirits need is to undo all the nobody asked changes and rework them from the original design: Minions which follow the ranger around and offer a unique passive and active skill and are limited by their hp bar . I get Anet devs may be pushing this AoE well things instead minions because they are taxing on the servers, but that was one of the unique skills ranger had to sepparate itself from other classes and not to feel like a bland warrior class #3. Even if they limit the number of active spirits a ranger can deploy at the same time to one it would be still great if they could bring the mobile sprits back. They would need some tweaks to make them inline with 2024 Gw2 but still better than current pulsing AoE wells they are now.
  2. Although new pets it a thing to keep the class fresh i would love the old pets to have a rework so they are more inline with 2024 gw2, i really hate when i am locked and forced into one specific set of pets because the rest of them do cause more problems than actually helping.
  3. Yes, too much screen noise. The devs should realize the game does not handle transparency very smoothly and this is a problem in a mmo is all skills do that. It is not only untamed, but the greenish hue thing actually makes it worse.
  4. Please, it's 2024 and we still have to deal with the screen noise that aura brings. Let it fade away after few seconds, there is no reason why we can't use properly the cosmetic auras.
  5. I guess until the devs fix it, like the CD reset for dogs F1 which was fixed promptly as well.
  6. This has been explained many many times, the only mitigation or solution is to rework the stealth.
  7. Lol is anet increasing the cooldown now? I guess no buffing to pet or/and fixing the gargabe tier usability?
  8. At this point in the movie there is no need "to convince" anybody, it is what it is. And ranger is an unfun, clunky mess shell of what it was extremely frustrating to play even in PvE openworld. And Stability was more prominent years ago, the main issue ranger always had was the class was and still is very selfish on its boon applications, while other classes has more team support oriented skills ranger had none at some point after the nerf to spirits when they stopped follwoing the ranger (so the pulsing boons did not follow the group) . Anet balance team just kept nerfing the class with no focus making it what it is today.
  9. Such a disappointment to hear the balance team still apply the pvp small scale hp numbers to the pets in a grand scale pvp mode with much higher damage. A shame as at least the chak seemed like a visually clean and maybe a fun pet to have. Maces do not look like any fun and very spammy with those muddy animations , hammer is a world of clunky. It seems there is nothing in this expansion for me but thank you for the input.
  10. What are daggers good for?
  11. Ranger used to have much more access to stability with traits, pulsing stability with rampage as one, stability in signets and pulsing stability in spirit of nature which would also follow you if traited for it. so when using core sets and skills sure it feels like ranger is missing a lot of CC defenses. Unfortunately new specs do not fill the spot of all the stability stripped away by anet balance team as they follow the rule of just adding one skill per new trait line. There was a time when the ranger could play with ranged weapons when the sicem soul beast was a thing on par with the d/p thieves on burst damage. They had to blow up 4 skills for that, the target would need to be afk and it caused a lot of whining in the forums but definitely was fun to play with. Nonetheless to say the nerfing rounds started almost immediately. I personally don’t find fun to lock stability access behind a weapon set as it takes away all the variety, the same as locking all the cleanses behind a trait line like WS. Yes I also think the balance is terrible not only from numbers perspective but also from mechanics wise point of view which makes the game extremely frustrating once you start to understand other classes. Ranger seems to always have the short stick being any of the good times only because balance team errors and promptly nerfed. Meanwhile we get a second charge in a barrage skill (??) instead undoing the nerf to the damage previously done.
  12. The chak and the earth shark, are they any good? Chak probably is fun in pve because of the electric ranged attack but what about wvw?
  13. Sure Dadnir I am convinced they use those. But my point is those budgets are usually defined in base of the wiki descriptions which do not match how the skills actually work in combat. So using the wiki descriptions to account for those budgets do not work at least for the ranger.
  14. What game mode? Because the 3 differs greatly and deppending what is your playstyle some builds may fit you better than others.
  15. Engineer is the main for some devs at anet. Ranger is not. That's the difference. In fact the only fixes we got to the pet mechanics (the quicknees and whatever they fixed in the latest patches) is because of the engineers mech, so be grateful because at least we got that.
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