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Adventure Guide v.2 requires 3 crafting achievements but only allows skipping 2, locking non-crafters

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You can advance past the Character Adventure Guide volumes without needing two of the achievements, but volume 2 includes THREE entries requiring crafting.  This leaves non-crafting characters locked out of higher volumes unless they permanently take a false crafting profession that they should not have.

It's wrong to lock characters out of guide progress unless they craft, because most characters should NOT be crafting, and we should not have to clutter and confuse our displays with false, useless crafting disciplines we can never get rid of.  The guide should not lead new players to mistakenly take crafting they have no cause to take or advance, making it harder to find the "real" crafters when they want them.

Please remove one of the three achievements, or better yet, let us remove, switch off, or hide crafting disciplines for a character.

Having the guide achievements force us to craft or get locked out of most of the guide just draws attention to your strange refusal to let us remove a crafting contract we don't want on a character.  Especially since you already have the ability to retain our crafting level for inactive crafting disciplines.  Why keep refusing us this simple option people have requested for years, and even make it worse by now forcing non-crafting characters to show up as crafters, or lose access to the Guide bonus?

Either way, non-crafters should not be locked out of the guide and players should not be pushed to select crafting professions on non-crafters.  There's no need for three crafting achievements in V.2, and it's clearly redundant to have selecting a profession on top of crafting something and leveling crafting, which both require selecting a crafting profession already.

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Easiest way round this is to go and start another crafting profession, craft a couple of items then switch back to your main ones, you don’t lose progress if you switch and switch back and the gold cost to do it is minimal. You could also just ignore the achievements altogether, the rewards are only a bit of xp.

Edited by Illumine Sparkler.6019
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10 hours ago, Illumine Sparkler.6019 said:

Easiest way round this is to go and start another crafting profession, craft a couple of items then switch back to your main ones

People with crafting professions can just craft something and unlock the next volume, even though the game brokenly doesn't count their existing profession (why ever that's a thing...).  The issue here is characters that are NOT crafters being forced to take a crafting profession they will never actually use and should not actually use, just because the vol 2 guide has three crafting achievements instead of the two it should have.

Accounts don't need or want more than one crafter of each profession, and extras just clutter things and make it harder to find the real crafter.  Guide volumes 3-6 should not just be locked to characters unless they take a craft profession they don't want.

Edited by Tyrian Mollusk.1563
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11 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Did you actually use a recipe, or just throw 4 things in the Forge?  Could make a difference. 🤷‍♂️

Throwing four things in is a "recipe", inasmuch as the forge has recipes.  You're welcome to try more combinations, but it doesn't look like mystic forge counts as "crafting".

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  • 10 months later...

I have the same issue. Unfortunately my characters (both new and created quite a long time ago) are locked out from progressing the Adventure Guide, because I don't want to craft. I already have a few dedicated characters with maxed out crafting and I don't want any more crafting icons polluting the character select screen. As I can see in the wiki, there has been one more non-crafting achievement in this category (Earning Hero Points), but it was retired. It would be great to have it back.

Or at least give an opportunity to unlearn crafting professions (this has been asked since the days immemorial).

Edited by lightmonger.5749
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