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Mirage Unique Shatters and Possibly 5th One


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Maybe it's time to address Mirage's shatters.

Mirage has the exact same shatters as core mesmer does. Chrono and Virtuoso have their own shatters.

Moreover, recently Chrono and Virtuoso obtained Distortion, which is their 5th shatter. Mirage still has 4.

Mirage new shatter ideas:

  1. When used, your other shatters upon use won't delete your current shatters for X seconds. (cooldown around 30 sec)
  2. When used, your clones receive copy of your boons (especially quickness) (cooldown around 25 sec)
  3. When used, it shatters the surrounding enemies' minds in big radius and summons phantasms that use your current weapon's ambush attack on those enemies, without creating a clone in the end (cooldown around 15 sec)
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Yes, I've mentioned this before.

There's no reason why the ambush skills can replace the design of a new unique ability that should be there.

And the facts also tell us that Mirage's Shatters are completely inconsistent with the concept of the profession itself.

This is pure developer laziness.

Just like those Bugs that have not been dealt with for several years, they dare to find reasons to tell us that these Bugs are much more complicated than they appear on the surface, and they are already dealing with them.
May I ask if there are any game bugs that can be dealt with for several years and have not been fixed yet? 😄

It's funny that all kinds of skins in the gem store always update in time, never delay.


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At this point I'm a bit worried what new shatters could mean. Sure in the past as with others we've given many suggestions, but it's likely whatever happens could be more annoying and worse than at present.

And in general I'm not fond of adding an extra shatter, compared with replacing and keeping the cap at 4. I know chrono had 5 for the reason of only having an offhand weapon, but I actually liked when CSplit moved to F4 - and I think that simply shoving distortion back on chrono and adding it to virtuoso is a cheap solution.

Would have been nicer if maybe they went down a path of supplementing non-2hander elite specs with an off or mainhand (ie give chrono MH pistol, mirage OH axe, virtuoso OH dagger), instead of the need to compensate chrono with the extra shatter (nevermind virtuoso where the extra shatter makes no sense). And then scaffold chrono and virtuoso in other ways which many people have suggested.

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