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A lone wanderer


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Stranger: Hello Commander… 


Commander: Hello… uh…do I know you?


Stranger: Names Fossil… Fossil Darkheart. 


Commander: Nice to meet you Fossil, you don’t look like you’re from around here. Are you a traveler?


Fossil: Right you are, I hail from the kingdom of #$%#@#$@!%^**


Commander: I have never heard of that place before, where is that?


Fossil: It’s located on the far east of Tyria, a land of purity and vibrance, there would be singing and dancing with the sound of children's laughter…and now it bare’s ruin. 


Commander: What happened to it?


Fossil: I don’t know…I had left my home land in search of adventure and mystery, when I had returned home, It was a sight like I have never seen… the sky blackened and the clouds ash gray. The ground filled only with ruin and bones of the young and the old. The place looked so Eerie, forget animals,  not even a monster in sight could be found.


Fossil: My family, my friends, my home… all in ruins. 


Commander: I’m sorry to hear that. There is a lot of misery in the world after the gods had left us, but we must try to strive for the future and hope for the best.  


Fossil: Tell me commander, where is my future? A wanderer who lost their home… 


Commander: It doesn’t have to be that way, stay with us in Tyria, I can speak with my close friend Queen Janna and get you a place to stay at the Divinity’s Reach. 


Fossil: I no longer have a purpose of my own other than figuring out what caused the destruction of my home land. My allies and I have been tracking signs and have come across Lion's Arch in search of someone who may know about this crystal I found.


Commander: Crystal? Can I see it?


*Fossil shows the strange crystal to commander*


Commander: such a strange crystal, but I can feel some ominous energy coming out from it. It’s colour dark blue with black and purple energy emitting… What can this be? *wonders the commander*, I know someone who may know what this is or may find out. Come with me and let's go see Taimi, the smartest person I know.


*Commander returns the strange crystal back to Fossil Darkheart* and begins to head over to meet Taimi in Rata Novas*


Commander: Step through here and we’d be there in no time.


Fossil: I hope she knows what this is, I would have some clue in figuring out who or what caused my home to turn into ashes…


Commander: I hope you get your answer. By the way, you said you had allies you were traveling with? 


Fossil: Yes, they are a group of people I ventured out with to explore the unknown regions… When we came back there was nothing, their families and friends all gone and their homes too in ashen ruins. 


Commander: I see, where are they now? Will they be meeting up with you again?


Fossil: They are also around this province trying to find out the source of this crystal's origin and power. We hope that we can find something about this soon. As I traveled in this province I had only heard of your praise and wanted to meet you, and here you are.


Commander: Hope I didn't disappoint.


Fossil: They call you a God slayer and the dragons bane. Tell me more about that…


*Commander and Fossil get to Rata Novus and enter Taimi’s base of operations* 


*Alarm goes off* 


System: intruder alert! intruder alert! Executing phase shift! defense line 1.0.1 activa… *alarm shuts off*


Taimi: Sorry about that! Still testing the system *chuckles quietly* 


Commander: Busy as always huh Taimi?


Taimi: you betcha, progress can never stop! Idle mind is Joko’s mind… empty! And wasteful! 


Commander: All good, at least I didn't get blown to pieces this time. 


*Taimi Grins widely*


Taimi: And who is this? You dont look like you are from Tyria.


Commander: This is Fossil, Fossil Dark Heart, he's a traveler from #$%#@#$@!%^** 


Taimi: Oh where is that? IT SOUNDS INTERESTING, do you have portals, ships, weapons, and mechs over there? Oh Oh Oh what about module accelerators that can get ships to jump into hyperspace!


Commander: Sorry about Taimi, she gets a little excited with new places and tech…


Fossil: Unfortunately we have none of that. The lush land filled with lots of wonders is now nothing but ash and ruin. 


Taimi: Oh…I am sorry.


Fossil: It's fine. I’m looking for someone to find out anything about this Crystal I found in the ruin.

*gives crystal to Taimi* 


Taimi: What is this!? I have never seen anything like it in my life, I have seen many crystals and their energy being emitted but this… This is something that looks pure evil…where did you find this?


Fossil: it was found in my hometown amongst the rubble. What can you find out about this?


Taimi: I can search the energy level and try to find out its core build up. I can also try to find out if anything like this is found in our current database.


Fossil: how long will this take? 


Taimi: Can you give me some time? Say 2 weeks maybe a month?


Fossil: I have wandered for over a decade in search of answers…what is one month. Take your time, I await any answer you may have.


Taimi: Got it, leave it to me! I will not disappoint! 


Commander: While Taimi takes care of this matter, let's find you a place to stay. But first, have you eaten anything yet? 


Fossil: Not yet, I dont have alot of coins left on me, I have been hunting to get my fill. 


Commander: not to worry, it's on me! I know just the place in town.


*Fossil and Commander exit Rata Novus and head to Divinity’s reach.*


*Fossil and the commander arrive at The dead end tavern*


Commander: The dead end tavern…the memories of this place…


*Commander orders a hearty meal for the two*


Commander: I noticed your right hand, what is that? 


Fossil: This is a weapon from my home land, it's called “Al-kuh Faz”. Backhome the people who would use this weapon are called “Tamblar”, In this province you may call them Templars. Tamblar’s or Templars, would conjure spirits from beyond to fight for them, these spirits are blessed soldiers that had fallen in the dark ages. I found something similar to this weapon in this province, I believe you call it a “focus”? 


Commander: A Focus? You mean to tell me that your weapon is similar to a focus? It imbues magic? Interesting.


Fossil: Exactly that my friend. Although I am not able to summon the soldiers, I am able to summon their will in the form of a weapon created by the magic. I can summon a Sword that I may wield to fight enemies, I can summon pillars imbued with the light to bolster myself and my allies while punishing my enemies and chaining them down. 


Commander: What happens to your enemies when they get hit with your sword? Does it cut like a regular sword?


Fossil: the weapon is imbued with holy magic and upon summoning the weapon I am covered in armour of holy light and my enemies burn around me with holy energy. When my sword strikes foes, they become blighted and burn. 


Commander: That sounds similar to our province's profession Guardians, they can summon the power of holy light to inflict harm on their foes and bolster their allies. 


Fossil: perhaps our ancestors had learned the ways of your guardians and introduced it to our home land. 


Commander: most likely. It’s great to see someone from so far using something so close to home. What else can your weapon do?


Fossil: outside from the sword I can summon an enchant spell book that allows us to boost our movements and our force. With this I can move faster, hit harder, and act quicker, so quick that even time feels like it's moving slow. 


Commander: So someone who can enchant their allies and themselves with useful spells? That sounds really useful and neat. 


Fossil: The last but not the least, Shield of dawn. This is the heart of the Temblars and what every Temblar stood for, the shield was their symbol, and the pillars were their hearts. The shield offered protection for the allies and cornered the foes so they would not inflict any harm. The shield was used to pacify animal threats, it would cure ill states on allies that would be deemed painful. 


Commander: You mentioned Pillars a few times, what are these pillars that you are talking about?


Fossil: The pillar of light that burns our foes, the pillar of life that heals us and our allies, the pillar of wrath that weakens our enemies, the pillar of chains that binds them, and the pillar of bravery that grants greater resolve and will to us and our allies. 


Commander: The Temblars sounds like a really good profession for the guardians to learn here in this province… Perhaps you can teach them your ways while we wait for Taimi’s finding? 


Fossil: if the guardians are open to learning our ways, I can guide them to this profession and perhaps one day the profession can be revived at its fullest to protect the people. Besides, I have nothing else to do while we wait.


Commander: What about your allies? Will you be meeting them?


Fossil: yes commander, After I figure out the meaning behind this crystal I will find them and report back to you.


To be continued…   

Sorry for grammar mistakes and other mistakes :x not a writer, just wanted to do something fun and different 😛 I hope you enjoyed this short intro. More allies await, let me know if anyone actually interested in diving further into this i'd love to craft something up o-o. 




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